Books & Books

ADAMS, Douglas : Nomography Theory and Application

ANONYMOUS : The Alien Races Handbook

ANON.: Space Energy Receivers -- Power from the Wheelwork of Nature

ASSIS, Andre :  The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity

BARDON, Franz : Initiation Into Hermetics

BARDON, Franz : The Practice of Magical Evocation

BARDON, Franz : Key to the True Quabbalah

BEARDEN, Tom : Energy From the Vacuum

BECKER, Robert : The Body Electric

BEDINI, John : Bedini SG -- 'School Girl' Generator -- The Complete Beginner's Handbook

BEDINI, J. : Bedini SG -- The Complete Intermediate Handbook

BEDINI, J. : Bedini SG -- The Complete Advanced Handbook

BEDINI, J., & BEARDEN, T. : Free Energy Generation Circuits & Schematics

de BELIZAL, A., et al.: Physique Micro-Vibratoire et Forces Invisibles

BOARDMAN, J. : The Simple Essence of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal Theory of Physics

BROWN, : 507 Mechanical Movements

CAREY, George : The Anti-Christ [ Claustrum ]

CAREY, G. : The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

CATER, Joseph : The Awesome Life Force

CATER, Joseph : Ultimate Reality

CHILDRESS, David : Anti-Gravity & The World Grid

COATS, Callum : Living Energies -- The Work of Viktor Schauberger

COATS, C.: The Water Wizard

target="_blank">CONSTABLE, Trevor : The Cosmic Pulse of Life

CONSTABLE, T.: Sky Creatures

COOK, Robert : The Death of Rocketry

CORLISS, William : Anomalies in Geology -- Physical, Chemical, Biological

CORLISS, William : Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena

CRABB, Riley : Implosion -- Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy

CROPPIELD, Rick : The Complete ElectroCulture Bible

DAVIDSON, Dan : Free Energy, Gravity, and the Aether

DAVIDSON, D.: The Theta Device and Other Free Energy Patents

DAVSON, Cyril : The Physics of the Primary State of Matter [ Karl Schappeller ]

DUESBERG, Peter : Inventing the AIDS Virus

DUNNE, John : An Experiment With Time

EEMAN, L.E. : Co-operative Healing

EGELY, G., et al. : Experimental Investigation of Biologically Induced Magnetic Anomalies

EISEN, Jonathan : Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries

EMOTO, Masaru : Messages From Water

FARRELL, Joseph : Reich of the Black Sun

FERRONSKY, V. : Gravitation, Inertia, and Weightlessness

FLANAGAN, Patrick : Pyramid Power

FROLOV, Alexander : New Sources of Energy

FRY, Al : Suppressed and Incredible Inventions

FULLER, Buckminster : Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth

GREBENNIKOV,  Viktor: My World [ Russian ]

GURWITSCH, A. : Die Mitogenetische Strahlung

HALLER, George, et al.: The Tesla High Frequency Coil

HAMMAKER,  John: The Survival of Civilization

HARTSHORN : 1881 Household Cyclopedia

HILGENBERG, O.: Vom Wachsenden Erdball [ The Expanding Earth ]

HUME, E. Douglas : Bechamp or Pasteur ?

Hopi Language :
Lessons in Hopi

Hopi Dictionary

Concise Hopi-English Lexicon

The I Ching ( Wilhelm, ed. )

JEFIMENKO, Oleg : Gravitation and Cogravitation

JEFIMENKO, O. : Electrostatic Motors

JEFIMENKO, O. : Causality Electromagnetic Induction and Gravitation

JEFIMENKO, O. : Electricity and Magnetism

JEFIMENKO, J. : Electromagnetic Retardation and Theory of Relativity

JENNY, Hans : Cymatics

KARIM, Harim : Biogeometry Signatures

KAZNACHEEV, V., & TROFIMOV, A. : Cosmic Consciousnesnees of Humanity

KELLY, Don : Manual of Free Energy Devices ( Vol. 2 )

KELLY, Patrick : A Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices

KING, Moray : The Quest for Zero Point Energy

KOLISKO, E., et al. : Agriculture of Tomorrow

LAKHOVSKY, Georges: MultiWave Oscillator Handbook [ Borderland Sciences ]

LAKHOVSKY, G.: The Secret of Life -- Cosmic Waves and Vital Radiation

LAKHOVSKY, G.: Radiation and Waves -- Sources of Our Life

LARSON, Dewey : Basic Properties of Matter ( The Reciprocal System of Physics )

LARSON, Dewey : New Light on Space and Time

LARSON, Dewey : Universe of Motion

LaVIOLETTE, Paul : Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion

LEEDSKALNIN, Edward : Magnetic Current

LINDEMANN, Peter : The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity

LODGE, Sir Oliver : The Ether of Space

LYNE, William : Occult Ether Physics

MALGARINI, Franco : Tecnologie Alternative -- Ideeper il Nuovo Mondo in Immagini

MABY, Cecil : The Physics of the Divining Rod

MARTIN, Thomas : The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla

MANNING, Jeane : Angels Don't Play This HAARP

MARTIN, Thomas : The Inventions Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla

MATTHEWS, Arthur : The Wall of Light

MAXWELL, James : The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell

MEYL, Konstantin : Scalar Waves

MEYL, Konstantin : Scalar Wave Technology Documentation

MOORE Clara : Keely and His Discoveries

MORAY, Thomas : The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats

MORAY, T.: Beyond the Light-Rays

MORCAN, James, et al.: Antigravity Propulsion

MUSAIOS [ MUSES, Charles ] : The Lion's Path

NACCI, Giuseppe: Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy

NOON, Walt : Secrets of Building Electrostatic Lightning Bolt Generators

OTTO, Edward : Nomography

PAJAK, Jan : Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems

PERREAULT, Bruce : Radiant Energy Power Generation

PERREAULT, B.  : Harnessing Cosmic Energy

PFEIFFER, Ehrenfried : Sensitive Crystallization Processes

POPP, Jurgen, et al : Handbook of Biophotonics

RAVATIN, Jacques : EurekAll

RESINES, Jorge : Some Free Energy Devices

RHO SIGMA : Ether Technology

RUSSELL, Walter : The Secret of Light

RUSSELL, Walter : Universal One, vol. 1

SALZMAN, Michael : New Water for a Thirsty World

SCHAUBERGER, Viktor : The Energy Evolution

SCHAUBERGER, V. : Nature as Teacher, vol. 2

SEIKE, Sinichi : The Principles of Ultra-Relativity

SHEN, Xun, et al. : Biophotonics -- Optical Science for the 21st Century

SILVERTOOTH, Ernest: Experimental Detection of the Ether

STANG, Ivan, et al.: The Book of the SubGenius

STRONG, C.L. : The Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist

TESLA, Nikola : Complete Patents

TEWARI, Paramahansa: The Physics of Free Power Generation

THOMAS, Chad : The Adam and Eve Story

THOMSON, Ethel: Bechamp or Pasteur ?

THOMSON, J.J. : Electricity and Matter

TRACHTENBERG, Jakow : Trachtenberg Speed System of Mathematics

VALLEE, Jacques : Forbidden Science Journal

VALLEE, J. : Anatomy of a Hoax

VASSILATOS, Gerry : Declassified Patents of the Cold War and SDI

VASSILATOS, G. : Lost Science

VESPERMAN, Gary : Gallery of Clean Energy Inventions

WECHSLER, David : Electro-Horticulture

WHITTAKER,  Edmund : A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity -- Descartes to 19th Cty

WHITTAKER,  E. : A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity -- The Modern Theories, 1900-1926

WINTER, Dan : Implosion Grand Attractor

ZOHURI, Bahman : Scalar Wave Driven Energy Applications