
Air Traffic Control

Fundamentals of Air Traffic Control
Michael S. Nolan

Air Traffic Control
M. Mulder

Air Traffic Controller
Nancy Robinson Masters

Airspeak: Radiotelephony Communication for Pilots
F. A. Robertson

Air Traffic Control Automated Systems
Bestugin A.R., et al

European Air Traffic Management: Principles, Practice and Research
Andrew Cook

Air Traffic Management: Principles, Performance, Markets
Marina Efthymiou

Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM)
Michael Scott Baum

Large Scale Computation and Information Processing in Air Traffic Control
Marida Bertocchi, et al

Air Traffic Management -- Operational and Technological Background on Air Traffic Management
Arblaster, Margaret

Fundamentals of Ground Radar for Air Traffic Control Engineers and Technicians
Bouwman, Ronald

Mastering Software Engineering for Autonomous Air Traffic Control Systems -- Introduction to AATCS
Rosario, Ericka

IFR Communications: A Pilot-Friendly Manual

VFR Communications: A Pilot-Friendly Manual

Controlling Pilot Error - Communications

Paul E. Illman

Metaheuristics for Air Traffic Management
Nicolas Durand, et al
Fundamentals of air traffic control
Michael S.Nolan

Cognitive Engineering and Safety Organization in Air Traffic Management
Tom Kontogiannis, Stathis Malakis

Air Traffic Control Career Prep: A Comprehensive Guide...
Patrick R. Mattson

Say Again, Please: Guide to Radio Communications
Bob Gardner

Dead Reckoning: Air Traffic Control, System Effects, and Risk
Diane Vaughan

English for Aviation for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers
Sue Ellis, Terence Gerighty

Aviation English: A Lingua Franca for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers
Dominique Estival, Candace Farris, Brett Molesworth

Express Series English for Cabin Crew: A short, specialist English course
Ellis Sue, Lansford Lewis.

Flightpath: Aviation English for Pilots and ATCOs - Student's Book
Philip Shawcross

English for Cabin Crew - Student's Book
Terence Gerighty, Shon Davis

Aviation English for Radiotelephony. Student's book

Aviation English Grammar
Громова Г.С.

Check Your Aviation English - 30 Units to ... ICAO Compliance
Henry Emery, Andy Roberts

Man-machine interface problems in designing air traffic control systems
Hopkin, V.D