Hodowanec Index
Gregory HODOWANECRhysmonic Cosmology
More on the Mini-MRA
I. More on the Mini-MRA
Here are some additional speculations on the operation of the MRA (and the Mini-MRA in particular) from the Rhysmonic Cosmology viewpoint. Shown in Figure (1) is a simplified and idealized depiction of the original Mini-MRA test. The sketch has been arranged so as to emphasize the possible 'interactions' between the MRA scalar fields and the earth's scalar gravity field. These interactions are believed to be the source of the 'extra power' seen with this device. For these 'space energy' interactions to be most effective, it is believed that the capacitor must be of the stacked layer type, and the inductor must be of the open 'flux circuit' type. To emphasize the interactions with the earth's gravity field, the sketch was arranged to show the possible orientations needed for maximum effect.
Figure 1
The MRA is basically a series resonant circuit which is 'excited' by a low level sine wave signal generator of some sort. It is believed that the signal generator should be primarily resistive in nature for maximum performance. In essence, the MRA is a parametric or 'reactance' type of power amplifier. Each 'pole' or reactance is a source and a sink of scalar type field as indicated in Figure (1). It is speculated that the returning flux fields in each reactance will 'extract' some additional energy from the earth's g-field in a simple superposition of scalar fields, and thus sum their amplitudes. Using only a very small amount of energy from the local signal source (at resonance) the circuit will develop high reactive powers which will be 'exchanged' between the capacitor and inductor. For example, when energy is being stored in the capacitor electric scalar field, energy will be returning to the circuit from the inductor's scalar magnetic field, and vice versa. This is normally considered electronic theory. Rhysmonic theory, however, also infers that the returning flux to both the capacitor and the inductor will be 'augmented' at least two to four times (and even more in some special cases) in the scalar interaction with the earth's scalar field) or possible some other universe scalar fields?). This means that the reactive 'circulating' current in the series resonant circuit would also be at least two to four times the real current being drawn from the local generator source. Thus, the reactive powers could be increased by the current squared, or at least four to sixteen times! This has been verified in some of my past coil experiments. The reason for this is that, circuit-wise, the reactances of the capacitor and inductor are 180° out of phase and thus would 'cancel out', leaving only the residual resistance in the series circuit to determine the real current level. However, since each reactive voltage is 90° out of phase with the reactive current, the reactive powers are essentially non-dissipative (or lossless), assuming low loss components are used. Thus, the real powers, as a function of EI cos Ø, are essentially zero, but the reactive powers, as a function of EI sin Ø, are at their highest levels! The reactive powers continue to exist at resonance --- they are not cancelled out --- and the high reactive voltages can be measured across each reactance! The MRA makes use of the high reactive power developed across inductor L1 of Figure (1) available to a real load across L2 through the use of transformer action. Some of these reactions and other data are summarized also in Figure (1) for your convenience.
II. Some Additional Comments
(1) At resonance, in a properly working Mini-MRA circuit, all waveforms are essentially sinusoidal and quite similar. Thus, most true RMS reading meters can be used to make relative power gain measurements, even somewhat outside of their normally calibrated ranges!
(2) At slightly off-resonance conditions, some additional waveforms may be seen superimposed upon the generator-induced waveforms. These were recognized by the writer as quite similar to those 'seen' with his gravity wave detector units, which are known to interact with cosmic induced 'modulations' on the earth's gravity field. While the gravity detectors generally have only one active pole, the presence of two active poles in the MRA can and does at times complicate these interactions. However, the effect seems to increase the parametric or reactive amplification --- thus the output powers here would be best determined with rectifications and thus as a DC power.(3) In general, the real power developed in the resistive load across the secondary, L2, is a clean sinusoidal even under off-resonance conditions.
III. Some Final Remarks
The writer feels that the MRA is for real and a potential new energy source for mankind. It is free from pollution effects and uses a universal energy source which cannot be depleted!
It is also speculated that the 60 Hz energy source experiments using ferrites and coils (per Sweet) are possibly 'tapping' into the 50-60 Hz power grids which range over this earth. The long wavelengths of the 60 Hz transmission lines essentially generate scalar type fields which can 'excite' the universe (or possibly only the earth-ionosphere complex). However, this energy is normally returned to the power grids --- except for that which may be 'tapped' in this manner.
It may be hard to convince academia on all this, but you 'hands on' experimenters should be able to run these types of simple experiments and determine for yourself if this is real or not --- go for it!
Greg Hodowanec