Tamara Sahno / Victor Kurashov
Biological Transmutations
YouTube -- Press Conference of transmutation
bt-isotopes.com -- Biochemical method of chemical
elements transmutation and chemical elements isotopes
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
Press Conference of transmutation
Press conference that was held at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva
on June 21, 2016 by a Russian Corporate Partnership called
Actinedes consisting of inventors Viktor Kurashov and Tamara
Sakhno, and the administrator Vladislav Karabanov.
June 21, 2016 in the Swiss capital of Geneva, held a press
conference on the epoch-making discovery of the chemical elements
transmute biochemically.
The Conference was attended by Tamara Sahno Victor Kurashov -
Scientists have made a discovery and Vladislav Karabanov
administrator and head of the project.
Transcript :
Vladislav Karabanov: “Today, here in Geneva, we are making public
a discovery and a technology which without any exaggeration could
be of historic significance.
The essence of this discovery and the technology boils down to the
development of an industrial method for the transformation of
chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes.
What we’ll have to show you today is the transmutation without
nuclear reactors, without heavy water, or anything of the kind, to
obtain a transmutation of elements. Our approach to transmutation
of chemical elements is biochemical in nature.
It is still too early to fully grasp the economic and civilization
significance of this technology. It would not be an exaggeration
to say that this discovery is a veritable revolution that’s going
to open a new chapter in our technological progress. Unlikely as
it may sound, this is a fact.
The architects of this discovery and technology are leading
Russian Chemists, Mrs. Tamara Sahno and Mr. Victor Kurashov. These
are theoretical and experimental scientists who stand on the
shoulders of a dynasty of researchers who have been instrumental
in discovering these methods for the transformation of chemical
Mankind, represented by the authors, has discovered this method
for the transmutation of matter which is likely to change the face
of today’s world, perhaps as deeply as it was changed by the use
of electricity, perhaps even deeper.
The repercussions of this revolution will be felt in the energy
sector, medicine, industry and perhaps would also open up new
industries, brand new industries that will have enormous
humanitarian implications.
What is most important to bear in mind is that what we are talking
about here is a ready-made industrial approach that will be
capable of producing target products in industrial quantities in a
matter of months. With respect to the economic aspects of this
discovery I am going to brief you about that later . . .”
Victor Kurashov: “Ladies and gentlemen, our work to develop the
technology for the transmutation of chemical elements goes back to
the early 90s. The very first results were obtained back in 1998,
but the bulk of this effort and research, as well as hundreds of
successful experiments fall on the Summer and Autumn of 2013.
Our further efforts involved patenting this work, and so for all
these reasons we haven’t rushed to publish our findings until the
patent was issued. We received the patent priority on the 15th of
May 2014, whereas the patent itself was issued on the 25th of
August 2015.
Let’s move onto the process itself very briefly. The first
component used in the process is ore, or nuclear waste. The second
component of the process are valuable valency metals such as
vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc,
and others. Either of these will do, but we tend to use iron as
the least costly element. The third component and a factor in this
process, these are bacteria. Usually we use iron and
sulphur-reducing bacterial species which we select along a certain
list of criteria, such as that the bacteria are active, that they
are resistant to radiation, that they are adapted to a heavily
salted solution — ore, suspended in water.
Now about the technology itself: ore, or nuclear waste (there’s no
difference) is processed by bacteria in the presence of valuable
valency elements in any closed vessel. The transmutation process
kicks off immediately, and proceed stage by stage for two or three
weeks until target elements are obtained. But if it is not stopped
on time, this process would carry on until stable isotopes are
obtained as the end product.”
The Russian patent RU 2563511 awarded to Mrs. Tamara Sahno and Mr.
Victor Kurashov available at Google Patent repository says [in
Google translation]:
“The invention relates to the field of biotechnology and chemical
transmutation. Radioactive feedstock containing radioactive
chemical elements or isotopes, treated with an aqueous suspension
of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus, in the presence of variable
valence elements. As the use of radioactive materials or ore
radioactive waste nuclear fuel cycle. The process leads to
obtaining polonium, radon, France, radium, actinium, thorium,
protactinium, uranium, neptunium, americium, nickel, manganese,
bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum, and their
isotopes. The invention allows to obtain valuable radioactive
elements, to carry out the inactivation of nuclear waste from the
conversion of waste radioactive isotopes of elements into stable
isotopes. 2 ZP f-ly, 18 ill., 5 tab., 9 pr.
The invention relates to chemical transmutation of radioactive
isotopes and transformation, that is to artificially produce some
chemical elements from other elements. In particular, the method
allows to obtain rare and valuable elements: polonium, radon,
francium, radium, and actinides – actinium, thorium, protactinium,
uranium, neptunium, and various isotopes of these and other
Known transformation of chemical elements, the formation of new
isotopes of elements and new chemical elements during nuclear
fission and synthesis of chemical elements used in conventional
nuclear rectors, in nuclear power plants (NPPs) in research
nuclear reactors, for example, by irradiation of the chemical
elements with neutrons or protons, or alpha particles.
A method of obtaining the radionuclide nickel-63 in the reactor
from a target comprising obtaining enriched Nickel-62 nickel
target, the irradiation target in the reactor, followed by
enrichment of irradiated product from nickel-63 at extraction of
nickel-64 isotope product (RU 2313149, 2007). The advantage of the
method is to obtain a high quality product which is designed for
use in stand-alone sources of electrical energy, in the detectors
of explosives and so on. The reproducibility of the results was
confirmed by the analysis of the isotopic composition of elements
by mass spectrometry.
However, the method is complicated and unsafe degree requires
industrial safety.
It is also known the transmutation of elements – long-lived
radioactive nuclides, including those arising in irradiated
nuclear fuel (RU 2415486, 2011). The method consists in
irradiating neutron flux transmutable material, the irradiation is
carried out with neutrons obtained in the nuclear fusion reactions
in the pre-formed neutron source plasma, at a certain placement of
the scattering medium neutrons. This method is based on the
reactions of nuclear fusion in a tokamak is also complex and
requires special equipment.
A method of obtaining radionuclides Th-228 and Ra-224, which is
also implemented in a reactor technology. The technology is quite
complex and has a safety limit (RU 2317607, 2008).
Thus, upon receipt of the chemical elements and their isotopes, in
general, are conventionally used nuclear reactions involving
nuclear reactors or other sophisticated equipment at high energy
Attempts have been made to solve the problem of obtaining
radioactive isotopes in the process of nuclear transmutation of
elements more secure manner using the microorganisms. Known in
particular isotopes conversion method using microorganisms
comprising growing microbial culture Deinococcus radiodurans on a
nutrient medium containing the necessary for transmutation of
initial isotopic components, and deficient close chemical
analogues of the target element. The composition of the medium is
introduced, such starting isotopic components which are
radioactive and transmutation process can lead to the formation of
the target chemical element in the form of a stable or radioactive
isotope, which is absorbed by the microbial culture and then
remains steady or remains radioactive or decomposed to the desired
stable isotope (RU 2002101281 A, 2003). This method does not
provide a high yield of the desired isotope, and also requires the
use of ionizing radiation as a trigger and response factor
Also known process for the preparation of stable isotopes by
nuclear transmutation type of cold fusion elements in microbial
cultures (RU 2052223, 1996). The method consists in the fact that
the cells of microorganisms are grown in a culture medium
deficient isotope target (target isotopes) impact factors
contributing to the destruction of the interatomic bonds and
leading to an increase in its concentration of free atoms or ions
of hydrogen isotopes. The medium is prepared on the basis of heavy
water and injected into it scarce for the environment unstable
isotopes that decay at the end to form the desired stable
isotopes. As a factor that destroys the interatomic bonds using
ionizing radiation. This method is based on the use of ionizing
radiation, it is not designed for commercial scale requires a high
energy and cost.
All of the chemical elements and their isotopes and by-products
obtained until now complex and unsafe traditional methods by
conventional nuclear reactions in small (sometimes – in micro)
amounts clearly insufficient for the energy, industrial,
industrial, technical and scientific needs of mankind. Described
microbial process for the transmutation of chemical elements
allows you to receive all of these chemical elements and their
isotopes in almost unlimited quantities, simple to perform, safe
for workers and the public, environmentally friendly way that does
not require large material flow rates, heat, electricity and
heating, while providing this energy, industrial, technical and
scientific problems of civilization. These elements and isotopes
are enormous reserves of energy, have an extremely high value and
selling price on the market.
Microbiological method is proposed transmutation of the chemical
elements and isotopes of chemical conversion elements,
characterized in that the radioactive feedstock containing
radioactive chemical elements or isotopes, treated with an aqueous
suspension of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus, in the presence
of any s, p, d, f-elements with variable valency. Selection of
elements with variable valence based on the principle of creating
a high redox potential. That is, this selection key, or simply on
the orientation of these or other elements of variable valency
brought into the reaction medium, a redox potential value which is
optimal in the range of 400-800 mV (for example, in Examples 1, 2,
3, 4 Eh = 635 mV, 798 mV, 753 mV and 717 mV, respectively).
Items with variable valence, as in the reduced and oxidized forms,
creating a standard redox potential, involved in a start-up and
control mechanisms of initiation and acceleration of alpha, beta
minus and beta plus decay of radioactive isotopes of elements any
kind of group of bacteria Thiobacillus.
The method leads to the production of polonium, radon, France,
radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium,
americium and their isotopes as well as nickel, manganese,
bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum, and their
isotopes. As radioactive materials containing radioactive chemical
elements can be used ore or radioactive nuclear waste cycles…”
Contact details
tel: +41 22 575 27 33
tel: +41 79 740 25 47 Russian Language
Biochemical method of chemical
elements transmutation and chemical elements isotopes
We are a scientific group called “Actinides”. Members of our group
have invented a process, which we call MBT –a biochemical method
to derive the most valuable elements and theirs isotopes. It’s a
revolutionary invention, a breakthrough in the industry of
obtaining rare isotopes and elements.
We have brilliant scientists and businessmen in our team, we want
to produce rare elements and valuable isotopes is Switzerland.
Since it offers the best conditions for business, investments and
simple laws for nuclear elements treatment.
FIELD: biotechnology.
SUBSTANCE: radioactive raw materials containing
radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes, are treated with
an aqueous suspension of bacteria of Thiobacillus in the presence
of elements with variable valence. The radioactive raw materials
are used as ores or radioactive wastes of nuclear cycles. The
method is implemented to obtain polonium, radon, francium, radium,
actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, americium,
nickel, manganese, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold,
platinum, and their isotopes.
EFFECT: invention enables to obtain valuable radioactive
elements, to carry out the inactivation of nuclear wastes with the
conversion of radioactive isotopes of the waste elements into
stable isotopes.
The invention relates to chemical transmutation of radioactive
isotopes and transformation, that is to artificially produce some
chemical elements from other elements. In particular, the method
allows to obtain rare and valuable elements: polonium, radon,
francium, radium, and actinides - actinium, thorium, protactinium,
uranium, neptunium, and various isotopes of these and other
Known transformation of chemical elements, the formation of new
isotopes of elements and new chemical elements during nuclear
fission and synthesis of chemical elements used in conventional
nuclear rectors, in nuclear power plants (NPPs) in research
nuclear reactors, for example, by irradiation of the chemical
elements with neutrons or protons, or alpha particles.
A method of obtaining the radionuclide nickel-63 in the reactor
from a target comprising obtaining enriched Nickel-62 nickel
target, the irradiation target in the reactor, followed by
enrichment of irradiated product from nickel-63 at extraction of
nickel-64 isotope product (RU 2313149, 2007). An advantage of the
method is to obtain a high quality product that is intended for
use in self-contained electrical power sources, detectors and
other explosives. Reproducibility was confirmed by the analysis of
the isotopic composition of elements by mass spectrometry.
However, the method is complicated and unsafe degree requires
industrial safety.
It is also known the transmutation of elements - long-lived
radioactive nuclides, including those arising in irradiated
nuclear fuel (RU 2415486, 2011). The method consists in
irradiating neutron flux transmutable material, the irradiation is
carried out with neutrons obtained in the nuclear fusion reactions
in the pre-formed neutron source plasma, at a certain placement of
the scattering medium neutrons. This method is based on the
reactions of nuclear fusion in a tokamak is also complex and
requires special equipment.
A method of obtaining radionuclides Th-228 and Ra-224, which is
also implemented in a reactor technology. The technology is quite
complex and has a safety limit (RU 2317607, 2008).
Thus, upon receipt of the chemical elements and their isotopes, in
general, are conventionally used nuclear reactions involving
nuclear reactors or other sophisticated equipment at high energy
Attempts have been made to solve the problem of obtaining
radioactive isotopes in the process of nuclear transmutation of
elements more secure manner using the microorganisms. Known in
particular isotopes conversion method using microorganisms
comprising growing microbial culture Deinococcus radiodurans on a
nutrient medium containing the necessary for transmutation of
initial isotopic components, and deficient close chemical
analogues of the target element. The composition of the medium is
introduced, such starting isotopic components which are
radioactive and transmutation process can lead to the formation of
the target chemical element in the form of a stable or radioactive
isotope, which is absorbed by the microbial culture and then
remains steady or remains radioactive or decomposed to the desired
stable isotope (RU 2002101281 A, 2003). This method does not
provide a high yield of the desired isotope, and also requires the
use of ionizing radiation as a trigger and response factor
Also known process for the preparation of stable isotopes by
nuclear transmutation type of cold fusion elements in microbial
cultures (RU 2052223, 1996). The method consists in the fact that
the cells of microorganisms are grown in a culture medium
deficient isotope target (target isotopes) impact factors
contributing to the destruction of the interatomic bonds and
leading to an increase in its concentration of free atoms or ions
of hydrogen isotopes. The medium is prepared on the basis of heavy
water and injected into it scarce for the environment unstable
isotopes that decay at the end to form the desired stable
isotopes. As a factor that destroys the interatomic bonds using
ionizing radiation. This method is based on the use of ionizing
radiation, it is not designed for commercial scale requires a high
energy and cost.
All of the chemical elements and their isotopes and by-products
obtained until now complex and unsafe traditional methods by
conventional nuclear reactions in small (sometimes - in micro)
amounts clearly insufficient for the energy, industrial,
industrial, technical and scientific needs of mankind. Described
microbial process for the transmutation of chemical elements
allows you to receive all of these chemical elements and their
isotopes in almost unlimited quantities, simple to perform, safe
for workers and the public, environmentally friendly way that does
not require large material flow rates, heat, electricity and
heating, while providing this energy, industrial, technical and
scientific problems of civilization. These elements and isotopes
are enormous reserves of energy, have an extremely high value and
selling price on the market.
Microbiological method is proposed transmutation of the chemical
elements and isotopes of chemical conversion elements,
characterized in that the radioactive feedstock containing
radioactive chemical elements or isotopes, treated with an aqueous
suspension of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus, in the presence
of any s, p, d, f-elements with variable valency. Selection of
elements with variable valence based on the principle of creating
a high redox potential. That is, this selection key, or simply on
the orientation of these or other elements of variable valency
brought into the reaction medium, a redox potential value which is
optimal in the range of 400-800 mV (for example, in Examples 1, 2,
3, 4 Eh = 635 mV, 798 mV, 753 mV and 717 mV, respectively).
Items with variable valence, as in the reduced and oxidized forms,
creating a standard redox potential, involved in a start-up and
control mechanisms of initiation and acceleration of alpha, beta
minus and beta plus decay of radioactive isotopes of elements any
kind of group of bacteria Thiobacillus.
The method leads to the production of polonium, radon, France,
radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium,
americium and their isotopes as well as nickel, manganese,
bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum, and their
isotopes. As radioactive materials containing radioactive chemical
elements can be used ore or radioactive nuclear waste cycles.
According to the inventive method are derived from raw materials
containing natural uranium-238 and thorium-232, the following
1. Protactinium, actinides, radium isotopes of polonium and
various data elements (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, scheme 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7; figures from 1 to 17).
2. Francium (Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14).
3. Ytterbium, hafnium, gallium, nickel (Table 1; Figures 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7), gold (table 1; figure 6, 7), mercury (Tables 1, 2,
scheme 9, 10; Figure 4 , 5, 11), platinum (table 1; scheme 9, 10;
figure 4, 5, 6, 7).
4. The iron content in the medium is decreased, there is a nickel
(in the original ore nickel was not), the nickel content is
increased over time (Table 1) as well as iron assumes alpha
particles carried bacterial alpha-radioactive elements, becoming
nickel. Separation of the proton nuclei of iron leads to increased
manganese content in the medium (in the conversion of iron
manganese) and, consequently, to reduce the iron content (Table
5. From polonium, a decomposition product of actinides
microbiologically transmutation process elements are obtained
various isotopes of thallium, mercury, gold, platinum, including
stable (Tables 1, 2, scheme 10, 11; Tables 1 and 2; Figures 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11).
6. From obtained rare isotopes of plutonium-239: uranium-235,
thorium-231, protactinium-231, Actinium-227 (Scheme 12).
7. Because plutonium 241, which is a by-product of the combustion
of uranium in the reactor, obtained rare in nature and industry,
and deficient isotopes of americium and neptunium, <241> Am
and <237> Np (Scheme 13).
Thus, the described microbial process solves the problem of
providing energy and scarce rare materials of various fields of
industry, science and technology.
Previously, all of these elements and their different isotopes
were produced artificially in small and micro-quantities (grams,
milligrams, micrograms or less) in nuclear reactions and processes
in a nuclear reactor as decay products of uranium and thorium, and
plutonium, radium . Artificially in nuclear reactions isotopes of
thorium and uranium have also been obtained. The authors obtained
in this manner the following elements: polonium, radon, francium,
radium, and actinides - actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium,
neptunium, plutonium, americium, and various isotopes of these
elements, as well as various isotopes of thorium and uranium -
thorium-227, thorium 228, thorium-230, thorium-234; uranium-231,
uranium-232, uranium-233, uranium-234, uranium-235, uranium-236,
uranium-239, as well as manganese, nickel, gallium, bromo,
hafnium, ytterbium, thallium, mercury, gold, platinum ( cm.
schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of table 1,
2, 3, 4).
The claimed method of transmutation of chemical elements allows
you to receive all of these chemical elements and their isotopes
in virtually unlimited quantities.
The described method of transmutation of elements can also
inactivate and neutralize nuclear waste, for example, the
combustion of nuclear fuel waste (uranium) from the nuclear power
plant, containing uranium, plutonium, and their isotopes and
fission decay products (isotopic transitions products): isotopes
of uranium and plutonium (see diagram. 13), radium and polonium,
radioactive isotopes of strontium, iodine, cesium, radon, xenon
and other products alpha and beta decay, and spontaneous fission
of uranium and plutonium.
It should be noted that certain traditional nuclear reactor
methods for making and isolating polonium, radium, actinium,
protactinium, neptunium, americium, and their isotopes and of
isotopes of thorium and uranium technologically difficult to carry
out, are expensive, require complex and expensive equipment and
are dangerous to human health and the environment environment, in
contrast to the claimed method. Also known conventional nuclear
reactor methods for making and isolating polonium, radium,
actinium, protactinium, neptunium, americium, and their isotopes
of thorium and uranium isotopes do not provide energy needs and
other various fields of science and technology in the data of
chemical elements and their isotopes.
The claimed method bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus ( e.g.,
species Thiobacillus aquaesulis or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans )
in the presence of elements with variable valence, initiate and
accelerate the natural processes of decay of the radioactive
isotope and radioactive transition elements. At the same time, the
natural nuclear reactions and isotopic transitions accelerated in
thousands, millions and billions of times - depending on the
source of the natural half-life of the isotopes of certain
chemical elements.
The feedstock used and any raw material containing radioactive
elements, namely:
1. Natural uranium and thorium in the form of ores of uranium and
/ or thorium ores or sand, for example, monazite sand containing
thorium phosphates / phosphates; any ore containing impurities
thorium, uranium, plutonium in any amounts and ratios to one
2. Plutonium (see. The scheme 12, 13), uranium, thorium and other
radioactive elements produced in nuclear reactors, including those
which are nuclear waste cycles.
3. Any other components and industrial wastes containing a any
actinides, mainly, thorium, uranium, plutonium, or as more
commonly available and inexpensive in the market, any of these
elements in any ratio among themselves.
4. The radioactive decay of plutonium series products, uranium,
thorium: radium, radon, polonium.
5. Polonium, which is the product of a microbiological decay
actinides transmutation process elements for different rare
isotopes of thallium, mercury, gold, platinum, including their
stable isotopes.
6. Radioactive products (fragments) of plutonium and uranium
fission - radioactive isotopes of strontium, yttrium, cesium,
iodine, and other elements; their transmutation is suitable for
the purpose of turning them into non-radioactive and non-hazardous
to human elements and isotopes for environmental improvements. 7.
All these feedstocks (elements) used for the microbial treatment
either separately or together in any ratio with each other.
A feed comprising any of the above radioactive elements treated
with an aqueous solution of Thiobacillus spp, for example, the
type of Thiobacillus aquaesullis or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, or
a mixture thereof in any proportions relative to each other, or
any kind of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in the presence of elements
with variable valency, in normal circumstances, the activity of
The method does not require expensive and hazardous to humans and
environmental nuclear reactors conducted under conventional
conditions in conventional containers at normal ambient
temperature (it is quite acceptable values from 4 to 60 degrees
Celsius), under normal atmospheric pressure, requires fresh water
In our method, the microorganisms initiate and accelerate the
alpha decay (-a), a beta-minus (-β), and beta-plus (+ β) decay
(electron capture). Microorganisms captured in the nuclei of heavy
elements (mainly in any f-elements and heavy s-elements) protons,
alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) and electrons
(beta-minus decay), transferring thus trapped protons, alpha
-particles and electrons to other elements, mainly for d- and
p-elements, such as arsenic and iron. Also, microorganisms may
transfer protons, alpha particles, electrons and positrons to
other elements, such as the f-ytterbium element, if present in the
medium. Bacterial capture and detachment of protons, alpha
particles and electrons occurs at the radioactive elements
f-s-group and the group (according to the classification of the
periodic system). Also, the bacteria initiate and reproach beta
plus (+ β) decay (electron capture) in the nuclei of beta-plus
radioactive isotopes of elements of any group, transferring to the
core elements of the electron data obtained in the process of
beta-minus (-beta) decay of isotopes of other exposed beta-minus
decay, or captured at present in the medium of variable valency
elements (not radioactive) during their bacterial oxidation.
Bacterial proton transfer (P), alpha particles (α) and electron (e
<->) is carried out by elements of d-groups (for example,
iron and other) to the elements p-groups (for example, arsenic and
others) and s-group elements (strontium, cesium, radium and
Bacterial capture and detachment of protons, alpha particles and
electrons occurs at alpha- and beta-radioactive isotopes f-group
elements, s-p-groups and groups which are themselves naturally
(natural) alpha- or beta-radioactive, wherein bacteria initiate
and millions and billions of times accelerate the processes of
alpha and beta decay.
Bio-alpha decay (-α)
During alpha decay, with loss of two protons nuclei elements f-
s-groups and are converted into lighter elements (transition into
two cells down the table of the periodic system).
After the capture and separation from the f- and s-components of
protons and alpha particles, bacteria carry these protons and
alpha particles in the various elements of the d-, p- and
s-groups, turning them the other elements - on the following
location in the periodic table of chemical elements (transfer to
one or two cells on the front table of the periodic system).
In bacterial alpha-particle transfer of f-elements iron, nickel is
converted into iron (see. Table 1); in bacterial transferring
protons and alpha particles from the f-elements arsenic, arsenic
is converted to bromine (see. Table 1); in bacterial transferring
protons and alpha particles from the f-elements ytterbium,
ytterbium converted into hafnium (see. Table 1).
Bio-beta decay (-β, + β)
Bacteria and provoke many times accelerate both types of beta
decay: beta-minus decay and beta-plus decay.
Beta-minus decay (-β) - is a core electron emission, resulting in
a proton neutron conversion element to convert the location to the
next by a periodic system of chemical elements (shift one cell
down the periodic table of elements of the system).
Beta decay plus (+ β) - electron capture nucleus, resulting in the
conversion of a proton to a neutron conversion element according
to the previous location in the periodic system of chemical
elements (transition to single cell backward in the periodic table
of the system).
In the process triggered by bacteria and accelerated beta decay,
in some cases, there is a consequent emission of so-called delayed
neutron - is spontaneous, natural way according to the laws of
physics of isotope decay and transitions to give a lighter isotope
of a given element. Using the emission mechanism of the delayed
neutron allows to further expand the list of received elements and
isotopes, and also to predict and regulate the bio-transmutation
process (to stop it at the right time).
The bacteria initiate and accelerate beta decay - the emission of
an electron and the nucleus of the introduction of the electron to
the nucleus (electron capture) of beta-radioactive chemical
elements. The bacteria initiate and accelerate the beta decay
isotopes of elements as raw materials initially contained in a
medium, and isotopes of elements obtained artificially bioprocess
bacteria instigated after alpha decay. This fact - beta decay
occurring after bacterial-induced alpha decay has great practical
significance for the purpose of obtaining scarce energy-important
elements and isotopes.
Bacteria gripped and torn away electrons also have more light, as
compared with f-elements, nuclei, and just at the beta-minus
radioactive isotopes - products ( "fragments") dividing the
uranium and plutonium, for example, strontium-90 nuclei,
yttrium-90 , iodine-129, iodine-130, cesium-133, cesium-137 and
certain other elements which are converted in the process of beta
decay into stable elements. In this chemical element in the core a
neutron conversion occurs in a proton, and a sequence number
offset by one element or two (depending on the initial isotope)
cell forward periodic table of elements. This process allows you
to radically and environmentally friendly to dispose of highly
radioactive waste of nuclear plants and nuclear power plants, ie
Nuclear-fuel combustion products that contain radioactive elements
- "fragments" of the fission of uranium, plutonium and other
transuranic elements - actinides and fission products of thorium,
in the case of its use in the thorium nuclear cycle.
An electron captured by bacteria in the beta-minus decay, the
bacterium was transferred to a kernel plus beta-radioactive
isotopes of elements (in the case of their presence in the
environment). In the process go as redox reactions. For example,
the latter is converted into iron (II), the latter is converted
into arsenic (III) in bacterial electron transfer to arsenic (V)
in bacterial electron transfer to the iron (III). Bacterial cell
surface charge caused by dissociation of ionic groups of the cell
wall, which consists of proteins, phospholipids and
lipopolysaccharides. At physiological pH microbial cells, bacteria
bear on their surface an excess negative charge which is formed by
the dissociation of ionic, preferably acidic groups of the cell
surface. The negatively charged surface of the microbial cells
from the environment attracts oppositely charged ions, which are
under the influence of electrostatic forces tend to approach the
ionized groups of the cell membrane.
As a result, the cell is surrounded by an electric double layer
(adsorption and diffusion). Charge cell continuously varies
depending on the processes occurring in the environment. When
exposed to alpha particles, negatively charged cells decreases (in
absolute value) and converted into a positive charge, which speeds
up the process of beta decay. Next, under the influence of the
electrons liberated by beta decay of radioactive elements, as well
as the electrons that have fallen out of the elements of variable
valence in reduced form in the adsorption layer of microorganisms,
the negative charge of microorganisms increases (in absolute
value), turns from positive to negative, which accelerates
processes of alpha-decay-pulling positively charged protons and
alpha particles from the atoms of chemical elements. These
processes are accelerating due to electrical interactions
negatively and positively charged groups of the surface of the
cells with alpha and beta particles, radioactive elements,
The logarithmic growth stage of microorganisms negative charge of
the cell reaches its maximum value, which leads to a maximum rate
of transformation, the transformation elements. Processes of
conversion of chemical elements can occur both within the
bacterial cells and on the cell wall surface of the adsorption
layer in the electric double layer.
Thus, the microbial cells, labile changing their charging
performance, are accelerating and regulating the system of several
kinds of radioactive decay and transformation of one element into
To accelerate the process of transmutation of the chemical
elements microorganisms when charge microorganisms approaching the
isoelectric point in the reaction solution used surfactants
(surfactant). Polyampholytes, ionic surfactants, both anionic and
cationic surfactant introduced into the reaction medium, by
changing the charge cell (charge shift of isoelectric point in the
negative or positive direction), promote bacterial initiation and
intensification of chemical transmutation (Example 9).
Industrial, scientific and technical importance of the
Microbiological method for the transmutation of elements, the
acceleration of nuclear reactions and isotopic transitions, allows
unlimited quantities of produce valuable and scarce radioactive
elements, which are in high demand in the market, technology,
industry and research. These elements and isotopes are enormous
reserves of energy, have an extremely high value and selling price
on the market. The following highlights the small and rare in the
nature of the content of chemical elements and their isotopes
data, the complexity of their production in nuclear reactors,
resulting in their global production is negligible, and the market
price is very high. Also described are the application received by
the elements and the global demand for them.
Polonium is always present in uranium and thorium minerals, but in
such minute quantities that getting it from ores known traditional
methods impractical and uneconomic. The equilibrium content of
polonium in the earth's crust - about 2 x 10 <-14>% by
weight. Microquantities polonium extracted from the waste
processing of uranium ores. Allocate polonium extraction, ion
exchange chromatography and sublimation.
The main industrial method of obtaining polonium is its artificial
synthesis by nuclear reactions, which is expensive and unsafe.
Polonium-210 in alloys with beryllium and boron is used for the
production of compact and very powerful neutron sources, virtually
creating a gamma-radiation (but short-lived because of the small
lifetime of the <210> Po: T1 / 2 = 138.376 days) - alpha
particles poloniya- 210 give rise to neutrons in nuclei beryllium
or boron (α, n) -reaction. This sealed metal ampoules, in which
lies covered with polonium-210 ceramic pellets of boron carbide
carbide or beryllium. Such neutron sources are light and portable,
it is safe to use and very reliable. For example, the Soviet
neutron source VNI-2 is a two brass vial diameter and a height of
four centimeters, every second radiating up to 90 million
Polonium is sometimes used to ionize the gas, in particular air.
The first ionization of air is needed to deal with static
electricity (at work, when dealing with particularly sensitive
equipment). For example, for precision optics made dusting brush.
An important application of polonium is its use in the form of
alloys with lead, yttrium or alone for the production of powerful
and highly compact source of heat for the stand-alone
installations, such as space or polar. One cubic centimeter of
polonium-210 releases about 1320 watts of heat. For example, the
Soviet space program of self-propelled vehicles "Lunokhod" to heat
the instrument compartment heater used polonium.
Polonium-210 can serve as an alloy with the light isotope of
lithium (<6> Li) substance that can substantially reduce the
critical mass of nuclear charge and serve as a kind of nuclear
So far, industrial and commercial (market) amounts of polonium
were milligrams and grams of polonium.
At the time of the radium used in compact neutron sources, for
this small amount is fused with beryllium. Under the action of
alpha radiation from beryllium neutrons are knocked out: <9>
Be + <4> He → <12> C + <1> n.
The medicine is used as a source of radium radon, including radon
baths for cooking. Radium is used for short-term irradiation in
the treatment of malignant diseases of the skin, nasal mucosa,
urinary tract.
Low use of radium is due, in particular, with its negligible
content in the crust and in the ores, and the high cost and
complexity of obtaining artificially in nuclear reactions.
During the time that has elapsed since the discovery of radium -
more than a century - around the world managed to get only 1.5 kg
of pure radium. One ton of pitchblende, from which the Curies
received radium, contained only about 0.0001 gram of radium-226.
All natural radium is radiogenic - it arises from the decay of
uranium-238, uranium-235 and thorium-232. In equilibrium, the
ratio of the uranium-238 and radium-226 in the ore is equal to the
ratio of half-periods: (4.468 x 10 <9> s) / (1617) = 2,789 x
10 <6>. Thus, for every three million uranium atoms in
nature it represents only one atom of radium. Microbiological
method for the transmutation of chemical elements can be obtained
from uranium and thorium, radium-226 and other isotopes of radium
in virtually unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons) and to extend
the scope of radium and its isotopes.
Currently, Francium and its practical application have salt, due
to short half-life. From well-known by far the most long-lived
isotope France <223> Fr has a half-life of 22 minutes.
However, obtaining microbiologically France transmutation of the
chemical elements and fixation devices for the presence of France
in treated samples (Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14), in the absence of
France in the feedstock, the general course of processes proves
conversion elements. In the future, it is possible to use in
France and other scientific purposes.
Actinium is one of the less common naturally radioactive elements.
Its total content in the crust of less than 2600 m, while, for
example, the amount of radium over 40 Mill. T. In nature, we found
3 actinium isotope <225> Ac, <227> Ac, <228> Ac.
Actinium accompanies uranium ores. Getting actinium from uranium
ore known traditional methods is impractical because of the
paucity of its content in them, and the great similarity with the
present there is rare earth elements.
Significant amounts of the isotope <227> Ac get radium
irradiation by neutrons in the reactor. <226> Ra (n, γ) →
<227> Ra (-β) → <227> Ac. The yield is usually not
more than 2.15% of the initial amount of radium. Number actinium
in this method of synthesis is calculated in grams. Isotope
<228> Ac obtained by irradiation of the isotope <227>
Ac neutrons.
<227> Ac beryllium mixed with a source of neutrons.
Ac-Be-sources are characterized by low yield of gamma-ray
activation analysis used in the determination of Mn, Si, Al in the
<225> Ac is used to obtain <213> Bi, as well as for
use in radioimmunotherapy.
<227> Ac can be used in radioisotope power sources.
<228> Ac is used as a tracer in chemical research due to its
A mixture of isotopes <228> Ac- <228> Ra is used in
medicine as an intense source of gamma-rays.
Actinium can be a powerful source of energy that has not yet been
applied because of the high cost of actinium and small amounts of
actinium obtained by known methods, and because of the complexity
of its receipt by known methods. All the traditional techniques
for making and isolating actinium are expensive, uneconomical and
dangerous to human health and the environment. Getting actinium
microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements
produces Actinium isotopes and cheap at cost and safe way in
unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons, tons, etc.).
Due to the small content in the earth's crust (the content of the
Earth's mass is 0.1 billionth of a percent) of the element to date
it has a very narrow application - the addition to nuclear fuel.
From natural sources - residues from the processing of pitchblende
- conventional methods can only protactinium-231 (<231> Pa).
In addition, the <231> Pa in the traditional way can be
obtained by irradiation of thorium-230 (<230> Th) slow
Isotope <233> Pa is also derived from thorium:
As an additive to the nuclear fuel material is added at the rate
of protactinium protactinium 0.34 grams per 1 ton of uranium,
which is very significantly increases the energy value of uranium
and uranium combustion efficiency (a mixture of uranium and
protactinium). Get the protactinium microbiological method of
transmutation of chemical elements produces protactinium cheap at
cost and safe way in unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons, tons,
etc.). Get the protactinium microbiological method of
transmutation of chemical elements decide on the availability of
cheap energy, raw materials and energy products with high
efficiency, and meets the needs of protactinium in other areas of
science and technology.
Different isotopes of thorium (thorium-227, thorium-228,
thorium-230, thorium-234 and others), having different half-lives
that are not contained in natural thorium obtained microbiological
method of transmutation of chemical elements, are of interest for
research purposes, and It is of interest as well as sources of
energy and raw material for other elements and isotopes.
Uranium isotopes
Currently, 23 known artificial radioactive uranium isotopes with
mass numbers from 217 to 242. The most important and valuable
isotopes of uranium - uranium-233 and uranium-235. U-233
(<233> U, T1 / 2 = 1.59 x 10 <5> s) obtained by the
irradiation by neutrons of thorium-232 and is able to divide
exposed to thermal neutrons, making it a promising fuel for
nuclear reactors, but this process is very complicated, expensive
and environmentally hazardous. The content of valuable isotope
uranium-235 (<235> U) in natural uranium is small (0.72% of
natural uranium), and its traditional separation from other
uranium isotopes (eg, laser centrifugation) and the selection is
associated with great technical, economic and environmental
difficulties as costly, expensive and complex equipment, and safe
for humans and the environment. The isotope uranium-233
(<233> U) in natural uranium is not contained, and its
traditional reception in nuclear reactors is associated with the
same difficulties and dangers.
Uranium is widely distributed in nature. The uranium content in
the crust is 0.0003% (wt.) concentration in the sea water 3 g / l.
The amount of uranium in the layer thickness of the lithosphere 20
km is estimated to be 1.3 x 10 <14> m. The world uranium
production in 2009 was 50,772 tons, the world's resources for 2009
amounted to 2,438,100 tons. Thus, the world's uranium reserves and
the world production of natural uranium are large enough. The
problem is that most of the reserves and production (99.27%) are
in the natural isotope uranium-238, uranium (respectively, the
percentage of isotopes in natural uranium), ie the least useful
and least energetic isotope of uranium. Besides the traditional
separation of uranium isotopes from each other (in this case, the
uranium-235 from uranium-238) is extremely difficult, expensive
and environmentally unsafe. According to OECD data, the world's
440 operating nuclear reactors for commercial use, which consumes
annually 67 ths. Tons of uranium. This means that its production
provides only 60% of its consumption (the rest is extracted from
old nuclear warheads).
The most valuable in this case, the isotopes of uranium -
uranium-233 and uranium-235 (the nuclear fuel) for which and
reused after reprocessing of spent fuel rods from nuclear power
plants and de-alerting of nuclear warheads. Cores <238> U
are divided only in the capture of fast neutrons with an energy of
at least 1 MeV. Cores <235> U and <233> U divided the
capture as slow (thermal) and fast neutrons, and are divided
spontaneously, which is particularly important and valuable.
Microbiological method for the transmutation of chemical elements
allows virtually unlimited quantities produced from natural
uranium (from the isotope uranium-238), a rare and valuable
isotopes of uranium - uranium-232, uranium-233, uranium-234,
uranium-235, uranium-236, as well as other valuable chemical
elements and their isotopes: neptunium-236, neptunium-237,
neptunium-238, plutonium-236, plutonium-238, americium-241,
protactinium-231, protactinium-234, thorium-227, thorium-228,
thorium-230 actinium-227, radium-226, radium-228, radon-222,
polonium-209, polonium-210. Industrial, technical and energy value
as well as the selling market value of these elements obtained
much higher than the original element - uranium-238.
Neptunium is encountered on Earth only in trace amounts, it has
been artificially produced from uranium by nuclear reactions.
The content of <237> of Np in the irradiated uranium fuel is
low, and is estimated to be approximately equal to 0.1-0.3% of the
resultant plutonium or 10 <-4> x 10 <-6>% by weight of
the uranium content. When using uranium fuel enriched in the
isotopes <235> U and <236> U, Np-237 is produced
mainly by the following nuclear reaction:
By neutron irradiation of neptunium-237 is obtained by weight
amounts of isotopically pure plutonium-238, which is used in small
radioisotope power sources, RTGs (RTG - Radio-isotope
thermoelectric generator), in pacemakers, as a heat source in
radioisotope power sources and neutron sources .
The critical mass of neptunium-237 is about 57 kg of a pure metal,
and thus the isotope can be practically used to produce nuclear
Americium-241 is produced by neutron irradiation of plutonium:
Americium-241 - valuable rare chemical elements and isotopes, its
traditional reception in nuclear reactors is associated with the
usual for actinide complex and expensive as a result of americium
has a larger market value, demand and can be used in various
fields of science, industry and technology.
Microbiological method for the transmutation of chemical elements
allows to get practically unlimited quantities of neptunium-236,
neptunium-237, neptunium-238, plutonium-236, plutonium-238,
americium-241 and other isotopes of neptunium, plutonium and
Conventional short designations in the following diagrams and
Uranium-238, <238> U - here - 238 - is the relative atomic
mass, ie, the total number of protons and neutrons.
P - proton.
Or N n - a neutron.
alpha - alpha particle, ie, two protons and two neutrons.
(-Α) - alpha particle emitted from the atom (from the element) in
our reactions, with the sequence number (nuclear charge) is
decreased by two units, and the element is converted into lighter
disposed through a cell in the periodic table of elements of the
periodic (shift of two cells back). Relative atomic mass is then
decreased by four units.
Beta decay - making, in which the element (nuclear charge) serial
number of changes to the unit and the relative atomic mass (the
total number of protons and neutrons) remains constant.
(+ Β) - emission of a positively charged positron particles, or
the seizure of a negatively charged electron is the core: in both
cases, the serial number (nuclear charge) of the element is
reduced by one.
Observed phenomenon of emission of so-called "delayed neutrons"
(usually one or two) after beta decay. At the same time, the new
formed by the beta decay of a chemical element, after the emission
of delayed neutrons (neutrons) retains its new location, and the
cell in the periodic table of the system elements, as it saves the
nuclear charge (number of protons), but lost in the atomic weight,
forming new , lighter isotopes.
(-n) - «Delayed neutron" neutron emitted from an atom after beta
decay, and the atomic weight of the new element is reduced by one.
(-2n) - Two "delayed neutrons", emitted from an atom after beta
decay, the atomic mass of the new element is reduced by two units.
(Ă) - «retarded» alpha particle (kind of isotope decay) emitted
from the atom (element) after beta decay. At the same sequence
number (nuclear charge) decreases by two units, and the relative
atomic mass of the element is reduced by 4 units.
There is another transmutation of the chemical element (shift of
two cells on the back table of chemical elements of the periodic
T1 / 2 and T - the half-life of the isotope element.
The authors conducted a series of successful reproducible
experiments with a variety of ores and raw materials. Raw
materials containing radioactive elements, treated with an aqueous
solution of Thiobacillus genus of bacteria in the presence of
elements with variable valence any s, p, d and f elements,
creating a standard redox potential (eg, Sr <2+>, nitrogen N
<5 +> / N <3->, sulfur S <6 +> / S <2->
arsenic As <5 +> / As <3+>, iron Fe <3 +> / Fe
<2+>, manganese Mn <4+> / Mn <2+>, molybdenum Mo
<6 +> / Mo <2+>, cobalt Co <3 +> / Co
<2+>, vanadium V <5 +> / V <4+>, etc.). various
bacteria of the genus
Thiobacillus have been used, and iron-sulfur-oxidizing bacteria
(thermophilic and others) involved in redox processes of metals,
always achieved positive effect. The authors conducted experiments
in 2536.
The experimental data is statistically processed (see. Table 1, 2,
3, 4) and are reflected in the schemes produce microbiological
method of uranium-238 (238U) and thorium-232 variety of isotopes
of uranium, protactinium, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium and
other elements (see FIG. 1 to 17, schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13).
Schemes reactions and isotopic transitions do not contradict and
confirm the existing theory of radioactive decay.
Example 1.
For transmutation of the chemical elements and receiving elements
and isotopes new feedstock microbial treatment using Saudi sulfide
ores containing uranium and thorium (Table 1, Figures 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7). Saudi ore also contained the elements phosphorus,
arsenic, vanadium, mostly in oxidized form (phosphates, arsenates,
vanadates), and iron - both in an oxidized and in a reduced form.
Therefore, to create a high redox potential in the fermentation
raw material treated with microorganisms Thiobacillus acidophilus
strain DSM-700 in aqueous solution with a variable valence
elements present in the solution in a reduced form: Mn <+4>,
Co <+2>, Fe <+2 >, N <-3>, S <-2> (in salt
form), in their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium.
When growing microorganisms Thiobacillus acidophilus strain 700
DSM-used standard culture media (e.g., Waksman and Leathen
environment for Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, and 9K medium medium
other iron and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria). The standard nutrient
medium were added variable valency elements - transelementy
(electrons carrying elements, e.g., Mg, Mn, Co, Mo, Zn, Cu, Fe in
the form of salts) in their total weight 0.01% by weight of the
medium, organic materials hydrolysis products For example,
hydrolysis of fish waste, meat, or the timber (2% by weight of the
medium) and raw material (uranium or thorium or ore containing
radioactive waste in an amount of 1.5% by weight of the medium).
The fermentation medium comprising 10% of raw materials (ores) was
added 10% solution of the culture medium with optional autotrophic
microorganisms selected in the exponential growth phase.
Transmutation process was carried out in ten fermentation shake
flasks. PH of the solution was adjusted to 10 normal sulfuric
acid, pH of the solution was maintained in the range 0.8-1.0 in.
The temperature of the process of 28-32 degrees Celsius. The redox
potential (Eh) of the solution in the logarithmic transmutation
process step is 635 mV. stirring rate 300 rpm. The ratio of solids
to liquid was 1:10 (100 grams ore per liter aqueous solution).
Every day, every 24 hours was measured by pH and Eh of the
solution, the concentration of chemical elements and isotopes in
the solution, and track the activity of microorganisms. The
process was conducted for nine days. Use the method of analysis of
aqueous solutions and ore: for the determination of elements using
X-ray fluorescence method, the type of devices: of CYP-02 "Wren
PV"; S2 PICOFOX. Also we are using atomic-absorption method. The
isotopic composition was determined by mass spectroscopy.
Charging characteristics of microbial cells was determined by
electrophoretic mobility in an automatic microscope Parmoquant-2.
According to the devices determined by the qualitative and
quantitative composition of the end products. The results of these
experiments and statistically processed according to the process
of time are shown in Table 1. FIG. 1 shows a spectrogram of the
original ore Saudi Arabia without microbiological treatment and
without transformation of chemical elements. Figures 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7 show spectrogram analysis transmutation of the chemical
elements in the microbiological treatment of ore Saudi Arabia,
depending on the time of the process in 48 hours (2 hours), 72
hours (3 days), 120 hours (5 days), 120 hours (5 days) after 168
hours (7 days) after 192 hours (8 days), respectively.
Scheme 1. Getting the microbiological method of uranium-238
(<238> U) of different isotopes of uranium, protactinium,
thorium, actinium, radium, polonium:
Figure 2. Get the protactinium-231 (<231> Pa)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Scheme 4. Obtaining thorium-230 (<230> Th)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U).
Next, the process stops or (and secreted <230> Th), if the
thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or, the process
continues to produce valuable and rare radioactive isotopes of
radium (<226> Ra), radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead:
Figure 5. Production of Actinium-227 (<227> Ac)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Figure 6. Getting radium-226 (<226> Ra) and
radium-228 (<228> Ra) microbiological method of uranium-238
(<238> U) (see. 6-1) and from natural thorium-232
(<232> Th ) (2.6 cm), respectively.:
Scheme 7. Getting the most valuable and stable isotopes of
polonium (<210> Po, <209> Po, <208> Po)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U).
Figure 8. The preparation of various isotopes of thorium,
actinium, radium, polonium microbially produced from natural
thorium-232 (<232> Th):

Example 2.
The method of the process is the same as in Example 1. For
transmutation of the chemical elements and receiving elements and
isotopes new feedstock microbial treatment uranium ore used
North-West Africa containing uranium, thorium, arsenic and sulfur
in reduced form (metal sulphides, arsenides, sulphoarsenides).
Therefore, to create a high redox potential feedstock treated
microorganisms Thiobacillus aquaesulis strain DSM-4255 in an
aqueous solution with a variable valence elements, in solution in
the oxidized form: N <+5>, P <+5> (in the form of
phosphates), As <+5>, S <+6>, Fe <+3>, Mn
<+7>, their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium. The
redox potential (Eh) of the solution in the logarithmic
transmutation process step is 798 mV. The temperature of the
process of 30-35 degrees Celsius, pH 2-2.5 environment. The time
of the twenty-day process. The results of these experiments and
statistically processed according to the process of time are shown
in Table 2.
Spectrograms analysis transmutation of chemical elements in
microbial processing of uranium ore of the North-West Africa,
depending on the time of the process, within 24 hours (1 day),
after 144 hours (6 days), after 168 hours (7 days), through 192
hours (8 days) after 480 hours (20 days) are shown in figures 8,
9, 10, 11, respectively.
Scheme 1. Getting the microbiological method of uranium-238
(<238> U) of different isotopes of uranium, protactinium,
thorium, actinium, radium, polonium:
Figure 2. Production of uranium-233 (<233> U)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Scheme 3. Get the protactinium-231 (<231> Pa)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Scheme 4. Obtaining thorium-230 (<230> Th)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U).
Next, the process stops or (and secreted <230> Th), if the
thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or, the process
continues to produce valuable and rare radioactive isotopes of
radium (<226> Ra), radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead:
Figure 5. Production of Actinium-227 (<227> Ac)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Diagram 6-1. Getting radium-226 (<226> Ra)
microbiological method of uranium-238:
Scheme 7. Getting the most valuable and stable isotopes of
polonium (<210> Po, <209> Po, <208> Po)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U). Further
transformation path elements and isotopes to the <210> Po,
<209> Po, <208> Po identical 7-1 scheme.
Example 3.
The method of the process is the same as in
Example 1. For chemical transmutation and producing new
elements and isotopes as raw material for the microbial
treatment used uranium ore Jordan containing elements uranium,
thorium, phosphorus, arsenic, iron, vanadium in an oxidized
form (phosphates, arsenates, vanadates) and in reduced
potential of the raw materials processed by microorganisms
Thiobacillus halophilus strain DSM-6132 in aqueous solution
with a variable valence elements having redox ability: Rb
<+1>, Sr <+2>, S <0> / S < -2>, Re
<+4> / Re <+7>, As <+3> / As <+5>, Mn
<+4> / Mn <+7>, Fe <+2> / Fe <+3 >, N
<-3> / N <+5>, P <+5>, S <-2> / S
<+6> their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium.
The redox potential (Eh) of the solution in the logarithmic
transmutation process step is 753 mV.
The temperature of the process of 28-32 degrees Celsius, pH
2.0-2.5 environment. The time of the twenty-day process. The
results of these experiments and statistically processed
according to the process of time are shown in Table 3.
Spectrogram analysis transmutation of the chemical elements in
the microbiological treatment Jordan uranium ore depending of
process time, through 192 hours (8 days), are shown in Figures
12, 13, 14, 24 hours (1 day), 120 hours (five days)

Therefore, to create a high redox

Scheme 3. Get the protactinium-231 (<231> Pa)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Scheme 4. Obtaining thorium-230 (<230> Th)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U).
Next, the process stops or (and secreted <230> Th), if the
thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or, the process
continues to produce valuable and rare radioactive isotopes of
radium (<226> Ra), radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead:
Figure 5. Production of Actinium-227 (<227> Ac)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U) in various
Diagram 6-1. Getting radium-226 (<226> Ra)
microbiological method of uranium-238:
Scheme 7. Getting the most valuable and stable isotopes of
polonium (<210> Po, <209> Po, <208> Po)
microbiological method of uranium-238 (<238> U).
Example 4.
The method of the process is the same as in Example 1. For
chemical transmutation and producing new elements and isotopes in
the feedstock used for the microbial treatment monazite sand
containing thorium Indian ocean coast, comprising elements
thorium, phosphorus, arsenic, silicon, aluminum, cerium and other
lanthanides, and mainly in the reduced form. Therefore, to create
a high redox potential feedstock treated microorganisms
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans strain DSM-14882 in an aqueous solution
with a variable valence elements, in solution in the oxidized
form: N <+5>, P <+5>, As <+5>, S <+6>, Fe
<+3>, Mn <+7>, their total weight 0.01% by weight of
the medium. The redox potential (Eh) of the solution in the
logarithmic transmutation process step is 717 mV. The temperature
of the process of 28-32 degrees Celsius, pH 1.0-1.5 environment.
The timing of the process for ten days. The results of these
experiments and statistically processed according to the process
of time are shown in Table 4.
Spectrogram analysis transmutation of the chemical elements in the
microbiological treatment of the thorium-containing sand Indian
ocean coast, depending on the time of the process, after 24 hours
(1 day), 120 hours (five days) after 240 hours (ten days) are
shown in Figures 15, 16 17, respectively.

Diagram 6-2. Preparation of radium-228 (<228> Ra)
microbially produced from natural thorium-232:
Figure 8. The preparation of various isotopes of thorium,
actinium, radium, polonium microbially produced from natural
thorium-232 (<232> Th):
Example 5.
The method of the process is the same as in Example 1. For
chemical transmutation and producing new elements and isotopes in
the feedstock used for the microbial treatment of polonium-209,
obtained in our process of actinides turning (decaying) further
mercury isotopes, gold, and platinum (Scheme 10). Raw materials
processed by microorganisms Thiobacillus aquaesulis strain
DSM-4255 in aqueous solution with a variable valence elements
having redox ability: Rb <+1>, Sr <+2>, S <0> /
S <-2>, Re <+4 > / Re <+7>, As <+3> / As
<+5>, Mn <+4> / Mn <+7>, Fe <+2> / Fe
<+3>, N <-3> / N <+5>, P <+5>, S
<-2> / S <+6> their total weight 0.01% by weight of
the medium. The redox potential (Eh) of the solution in the
logarithmic transmutation process step is 698 mV. The temperature
of the process of 28-32 degrees Celsius, pH 2.0-2.5 environment.
The time of the twenty-day process.
Based on the experimental and statistical data processed by the
authors derived the following scheme:
Scheme 10. Preparation of stable isotopes of mercury and
gold (<197> Au) microbiological method to initiate and
accelerate the reaction of the polonium-209 (<209> Po):
Example 6.
The method of the process is the same as in Example 1. For
chemical transmutation and producing new elements and isotopes in
the feedstock used for the microbial treatment of polonium-208,
obtained in our process of actinides turning (decaying) further
mercury isotopes, gold, and platinum (Scheme 11). Raw treated
microorganisms Thiobacillus ferrooxidans strain DSM-14882 in an
aqueous solution with a variable valence elements having redox
ability: Rb <+1>, Sr <+2>, S <0> / S <-2>,
Re <+4 > / Re <+7>, As <+3> / As <+5>, Mn
<+4> / Mn <+7>, Fe <+2> / Fe <+3>, N
<-3> / N <+5>, P <+5>, S <-2> / S
<+6> their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium. The
transmutation process solution in the logarithmic stage Eh = 753
mV. The microorganisms employed temperature of the process of
28-32 degrees Celsius, pH 1.0-1.5 environment. The time of the
twenty-day process. Based on the experimental and statistical data
processed by the authors derived the following scheme:
Scheme 11. Preparation of stable isotopes of mercury,
thallium, platinum (<195> Pt) and gold (<197> Au)
microbiological method to initiate and accelerate the reaction of
the polonium-208:
Example 7.
The method of the process is the same as in Example 1. For
transmutation of the chemical elements and receiving elements and
isotopes new feedstock microbial treatment plutonium samples used
to convert the plutonium-239 in U-235, protactinium-231, and
actinium-227 (Scheme 12). Raw materials processed by
microorganisms Thiobacillus thioparus strain DSM-505 in an aqueous
solution of elements with variable valence having redox ability:
Rb <+1>, Sr <+2>, S <0> / S <-2>, Re
<+4 > / Re <+7>, As <+3> / As <+5>, Mn
<+4> / Mn <+7>, Fe <+2> / Fe <+3>, N
<-3> / N <+5>, P <+5>, S <-2> / S
<+6> their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium. The
redox potential (Eh) of the solution in the process of
transmutation logarithmic stage of the process of transmutation Eh
= 759 mV. The temperature of the process of 28-32 degrees Celsius,
pH 2.0-2.5 environment. The time of the twenty-day process. Based
on the experimental and statistical data processed by the authors
derived the following scheme:
Scheme 12. Production of uranium-235, thorium-231,
protactinium-231 and actinium-227 microbiological method with the
acceleration of plutonium-239 decay reactions (may use
weapons-grade plutonium, or plutonium - a byproduct of the
combustion of nuclear fuel rods NPP to be waste):
You can stop the process at any stage, to form <235> U, or
<231> Th, or <231> Pa, or <227> Ac, or mixtures
thereof in various proportions. Or, you can continue the process
of transformation of elements and isotopes of actinium-227 to
<210> Po, <209> Po, <208> Po, to give the
intermediate elements, according to the scheme 7-1.
Example 8.
The method of the process is the same as in Example 1. For
transmutation of the chemical elements and receiving elements and
isotopes new feedstock microbial treatment plutonium samples used
to convert plutonium-241, americium-241 and Np-237 (Scheme 13).
<241> Pu - a byproduct of nuclear reactions at nuclear power
plants burning fuel elements, subject to utilization, taken as a
nuclear waste and industrial by-product of uranium combustion. Raw
materials processed by microorganisms Thiobacillus tepidarius
strain DSM-3134 in aqueous solution with a variable valence
elements having redox ability: Rb <+1>, Sr <+2>, S
<0> / S <-2>, Re <+4 > / Re <+7>, As
<+3> / As <+5>, Mn <+4> / Mn <+7>, Fe
<+2> / Fe <+3>, N <-3> / N <+5>, P
<+5>, S <-2> / S <+6> their total weight 0.01%
by weight of the medium. Eh = 736 mV. The temperature of the
process of 28-32 degrees Celsius, pH 2.0-2.5 environment.
Scheme 13. Getting americium-241 (<241> Am) and
neptunium-237 (<237> Np) microbiological method of
plutonium-241, with the initiation and acceleration of
decomposition reactions:
The process can be stopped or slowed down at the stage of
americium-241 with the selection of the latter.
Example 9.
This example shows the intensification of the process of
transmutation of chemical elements in its deceleration when the
limiting factors. The method of the process and the same raw
materials as in Example 2. Control option: The raw material was
also used uranium ore North-West Africa, but unlike Example 2
consisted in high content of ore in the solution: solid phase
ratio (ore) to the liquid phase is 1: 3 (100 grams of ore per 300
ml of aqueous solution ). Raw treated microorganisms Thiobacillus
aquaesulis strain DSM-4255 in an aqueous solution with a variable
valence elements, in solution in the oxidized form: N <+5>,
P <+5> (in the form of phosphate), As <+5>, S <+
6>, Fe <+3>, Mn <+7>, their total weight 0.01% by
weight of the medium, as in example 2. Eh = 410 mV. The
temperature of the process to 30-35 degrees Celsius, pH 2.0-2.5 of
the medium. The time of the twenty-day process. The charge of
bacteria close to zero. The electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of
microbial cells is equal to 0,01 V <-1> × cm <2> × s
The initial uranium-238 content in the medium was 280 g / l. On
the fifth day of the process the uranium-238 content dropped to
200.52 mg / L, but protactinium-231, actinium-227 and polonium
isotopes were detected in the medium, wherein the detected
isotopes thorium-234, protactinium, 234, 233, protactinium,
uranium -234 (primary products of transmutation of uranium-238).
Transmutation process, and uranium-238 cells and formation of new
isotopes were retarded in time in comparison with Example 2, in
which the solid phase ratio (ore) to the liquid phase was 1:10
(100 grams of ore per 1000 ml aqueous solution). Slowing the
process due to the high concentration of metal ions in the
solution with a small amount of water to the ore. Experimental
variant: The same solution is limited by the water in which the
solid phase ratio (ore) to the liquid phase is 1: 3 (100 grams of
ore per 300 ml of aqueous solution) was further introduced 0,001 g
/ l polyampholyte - polyacrylic acid, caprolactam ( the ratio of
acrylic acid to caprolactam 9: 1). The electrophoretic mobility
(EPM) of microbial cells is equal to 0,89 V <-1> × cm
<2> × s <-1>, microorganisms charge moved from the
isoelectric point in the negative direction.
Eh = 792 mV On the fifth day content in uranium-238 solution was
equal to 149.40 mg / L, there were isotopes - products of further
decay: uranium-232, uranium-233, protactinium-231, Actinium-227,
radium-226, polonium -210, 209 and 208 - all in large quantities.
There has been a process of acceleration. On the basis of
experimental data, a general overview of the various areas and
uranium-238 decay chains being formed into a microbiological
method of different isotopes of uranium, protactinium, thorium,
actinium, radium, polonium and other elements (Figure 18).
electronic transition energy (keV), which was determined by
chemical elements by X-ray fluorescence (Figures 1 to 17) are
shown in Table 5.

V.M. Kurashov, T.V. Sakhno, R.G. Maksimov
[ PDF ]
Sulphide ores containing uranium-238 and thorium-230 are treated
with water suspension of iron- and sulphur-oxidizing bacteria of
Thiobacillus genus. Valuable radioactive elements and their
isotopes such as polonium, francium, radium, actinium,
protactinium, artificial isotopes of thorium and uranium,
neptunium, americium, hafnium, ytterbium, as well as radioactive
and stable isotopes of mercury and noble metals platinum and gold
are artificially obtained. Transmutation of chemical elements and
transformation of isotopes of chemical elements with the use of
microorganisms are discovered and achieved.
V.M. Kurashov, T.V. Sakhno, R.G. Maksimov
Research and Production Centre “Ecological
[ PDF ]
Monazite (thorium-containing) sand of Indian Ocean Coast and
uranium- and thorium-containing ore of Arabian Peninsula were
treated separately with water suspension of Thiobacillus genera
bacteria. Valuable radioactive elements and their isotopes such as
hafnium, polonium, francium, radium, actinium, protactinium,
artificial isotopes of thorium and uranium, neptunium, americium,
as well as radioactive and stable isotopes of mercury and noble
metals platinum and gold are artificially obtained. Transmutation
of chemical elements and transformation of isotopes of chemical
elements with the use of microorganisms are discovered and
achieved. The invention also allows inactivating nuclear wastes by
transfer hazardous for people radioactive isotopes into stable
Kurashov V.M., Sakhno T.V.
[ PDF ]
Radioactive raw material containing radioactive chemical elements
or their isotopes are treated with water suspension of bacteria
Thiobacillus genus. Radioactive wastes from nuclear fuel cycles
are used as radioactive raw material. The method allows
artificially obtaining polonium, francium, radium, actinium,
protactinium, artificial isotopes of thorium and uranium. The
invention allows obtaining valuable radioactive elements and their
isotopes, as well as inactivating nuclear wastes with conversion
of dangerous for people radioactive isotopes into stable ones.
Related :
The invention relates to methods for producing stable isotopes and
can be used in nuclear spectroscopy and applied nuclear physics
technologies. A method of obtaining specific stable isotope by
isolating them from natural source of multicomponent mixtures
using isotope diffusion, mass spectrometry, or laser method (BM
Andreev et al. The separation of stable isotopes of physical and
chemical methods. M. 1982; Basov NG and etc. New methods of
isotope separation. Advances of Physical Sciences, 1977, t.121,
The disadvantage of this method is the inability to obtain the
necessary stable isotopes in their absence in the original
multi-component environment. Furthermore, the method is very
costly and time consuming.
A method of producing isotopes in the process of cold fusion,
flowing at saturation palladium crystals or titanium with
deuterium during electrolysis of heavy water (Browse: Tsarev VA
Low-temperature nuclear fusion. Advances of Physical Sciences,
1992, t.160, s.19-20).
The method is based on the phenomenon of cold fusion which
consists in the fact that the establishment of optimal conditions
(temperature and structure of palladium or titanium matrix, the
degree of saturation of the matrix with deuterium et al.) There is
a fusion reaction D + D without imparting interacting deuterons
high kinetic energy required hot reactions (thermonuclear) fusion
to overcome the Coulomb barrier.
A method of obtaining stable isotopes by nuclear fusion of
elements in microbial cultures, including the preparation of the
nutrient medium for the growth of microbiological cultures
deficient isotope resulting from transmutation, and contains the
necessary source for transmutation isotopic components;
cultivating in a nutrient medium microbiological cultures, these
isotopes require for their growth; selection of the nutrient
medium grown culture and selection of stable isotopes [2] In the
known method describes the procedure for the cultivation of
microbial cultures of Aspergillus niger IFO 4066, Penicillium
chrysogenum IFO 4689; Phizopus nigricans IFO 5781; Mucor rouxii
IFO 0369; Saccharomuces cerevisiae IFO 0308; Torulopsis utilis IFO
0396; Saccharomyces ellipideus IFO 0213; Hansenula anomala IFO
0118 in a nutrient media are aqueous solutions of a number of
chemical compounds and deficient in one essential component for
the growth of crops (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium), and to
control them in standard ENVIRONMENTS.
In the experiments of the method it showed that during the growth
of the crops deficient in the corresponding element environments
(there were no in these media specific data items) in the data
elements obtained culture were present that can be connected only
to their synthesis in nuclear transmutation of the other elements
present, and isotopes. For example, magnesium formed by the
reaction scheme Na23 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr; Mg24 A
disadvantage of the known method is the low probability of
transmutation nuclear reactions required due to unoptimized
conditions of temperature and ionic-molecular composition of the
nutrient medium, which is manifested in a small amount of atoms or
Previous research on cold fusion shows that such reactions are
successful only when a special selection of properties of the
medium and temperature. Furthermore, the number of possible types
of stable isotopes obtained in the known method and the
corresponding one of the main elements that make up the grown
microbial culture is insufficient. There are many types of
isotopes, the receipt of which is of great interest, but which are
not part of microbiological cultures.
The aim of the invention is to increase the rate of use of stable
isotopes and increase the number of types of produced stable
This is achieved by the fact that, in a process for the
preparation of stable isotopes by nuclear transmutation type of
cold fusion elements in microbial cultures, comprising the
preparation of the nutrient medium for the growth of
microbiological cultures deficient isotope resulting from
transmutation, and contains necessary for the transmutation of the
original isotopic components ; cultivating in a nutrient medium
microbiological cultures, these isotopes require for their growth
and development; isolation from the culture medium grown culture
and isolation of stable isotopes in the culture medium is
subjected to factors that increase in its concentration of free
atoms or ions of hydrogen by breaking interatomic bonds.
In addition, the nutrient medium may be formed by heavy water D2O.
In addition, the composition of the nutrient medium necessary for
transmutation include isotopic source components for which the
result of the synthesis reactions are scarce nutrient medium for
unstable isotopes, which are necessary for the formation and
growth of microbial cultures, and are relative to parent
subsidiary final stable isotopes.
As a factor degrading the interatomic bonds are used to supplement
the nutrient medium or LiOD LiOH solution, and ionizing radiation.
The essence of the technical result of the invention is achieved
as follows.
All the processes of nuclear transmutation on the basis of cold
fusion (NTS) in biological cultures are at a very low (on the
scale of conventional nuclear fusion, which requires temperatures
of the order of many millions of degrees), the energy of the
relative motion of interacting particles, which is certainly not
enough to directly overcome the Coulomb reaction barrier . There
are several different physical models describing the flow
mechanism of the NTS. A prerequisite of the reaction is the
formation of the NTS in the local environment of structural
inhomogeneities within which the reactions take place and to form
new isotopes. In the works (Vysotsky VI Kuzmin ON theory,
mechanism and dynamics of barrier-free catalysis in solids.
Preprint of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academy of
Sciences of the USSR ITF-90-82R, Kiev, 1991; Vysotsky VI Kuzmin RN
Mechanisms of barrier-free interaction with CNF nonequilibrium
phenomena based on the Fermi condensate for numerically small
ensemble and pulse dvuhdeytonnoy localization microcavities in
optimal shape and size.
In: International Symposium on Cold fusion and new energy sources.
Minsk, 1994, s.288-295) showed that most NTS phenomenon can
effectively flow into the microcracks and microcavities with a
characteristic size 2R1 & ap; 10-15 A or within the bulk
inhomogeneities close to a parabolic potential profile at a ratio
of the radius Ro and in the form of Uo Uo / R2o & ap; &
Ap; 0,05-0,1 eV / A. STC process may take place not only in the
interaction of light isotopes (for example, D + D, p + p), but
involving the heavy isotope and an atom (or ion) hydrogen or
deuterium D.
On the probability of the synthesis process is very strongly
influenced by the ambient temperature and the atoms, as it affects
the probability of settlement optimal for NTS energy levels in the
microcavity, and residence time of the particles in a cavity: at
high temperature has wasted particle quickly leaves the
microcavity, and at low low probability falling particles in the
microcavity, which already has another particle. If the
microcavity are several particles, the temperature greatly affects
their relative motion.
All prerequisites for the course of the NTS also occur during the
growth of microbial cultures. In the area of growth because of
the reproduction process, the formation and orientation of
biomacromolecules is a rapid structural transformation of
developing culture. Continuously there are structural
microinhomogeneity with varying dimensions in time. When these
dimensions for a certain time interval are close to optimal values
characteristic or R1 Ro within microscopic inhomogeneities are
prerequisites for the synthesis and transmutation.
This continuous process of structuring the inevitable passage of
the characteristic dimensions of microscopic inhomogeneities R in
terms of the optimal values of R1 or Ro at different times
inevitably embraces all, without exception, the growing field of
microbiological culture. This fact distinguishes from growing
microcultures almost static palladium or titanium crystals (which
are traditionally conducted experiments by NTS), in which the
size, shape and number of microscopic inhomogeneities
substantially fixed and there is no mechanism for bootstrapping
NTS optimal conditions. If there are necessary for transmutation
of initial isotopic components in a nutrient medium, as they enter
the volume microheterogeneities with optimal parameters synthesis
reaction occurs and there is an isotope that is initially absent
from the culture medium (which was deficient in this isotope), but
it is necessary to further culture growth. This isotope is
immediately absorbed by microbiological culture and incorporated
into its structure.
This process is repeated continuously throughout the growth area.
After completion of the growth of the isotope obtained can be
isolated from the resulting culture.
To be most effective this process requires that at least one of
the initial isotopic component was in the form of free atoms or
ions not bound in the molecule. Such a dissociation process can be
random (fluctuating), but in doing so he will be characterized by
a very low probability f & ap; exp (Ed / kT), where Ed
dissociation energy, T the temperature.
In the present invention to provide such a requirement on the diet
affect factors contributing to break atomic bonds and, as a
consequence, an increase in the concentration of free atoms or
hydrogen ions. In the case of the NTS in ordinary crystals
performs this role addition of 0.1 mol / l KiOD in heavy water, in
which the electrolysis is carried out with palladium or titanium
electrodes in the proposed invention is also possible
microbiological transmutation similar additive or LiOD LiOH
solution in water culture medium solution. The use of other
factors, such as weak ionizing radiation facilitating the
formation of free radicals and H + H for the schemes: H2O + &
planck; & omega; & Lowbar; & rarr; H2O ++ In addition,
the possibility is greatly enhanced intended mode, i.e. It becomes
possible to produce new types or the use of other isotopes of the
starting components, if as a base for culture medium used instead
of heavy water D2O ordinary (light) water H2O in the prior art.
Thus there is the possibility of nuclear transmutation reactions
based on NTS involving deuterium D.
In addition to the direct transmutation isotopic source component.
existing in the culture medium, lacking in the medium (deficient)
stable isotope, which is required for the development of
microbiological culture and therefore immediately absorbed by it,
the method includes the step of obtaining from the original
isotope component from initially deficient unstable isotopes,
which are absorbed to the desired stable isotope. Thus it is
possible to obtain such stable isotopes, which are not necessary
for the growth of microbial cultures and are not included in their
The invention is illustrated by the following specific examples of
its implementation.
EXAMPLE 1. Preparing a nutrient medium containing saccharose
(10%), ammonium tartrate (1%), Mg SO4 x 7 H2 O (0.25%), Ca HPO4 x2
x H2O (0.008%), K3PO4 (0,5%), Mn SO4 x 7 H2O (0,001%), water H2O
(100%). The nutrient medium solution was added 0.1 mol / L LiOH to
increase the concentration of free hydrogen atoms. After making a
shaking cultivation conducted at 30 ° C for 24-72 h seed culture
media of Saccharomyces yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain
T-8). Growing cells were collected by tsentrifigurirovaniya. The
precipitate was dried microbial mass disintegrated and stable
isotope is determined by known physical and chemical methods.
EXAMPLE 2. Preparing a nutrient medium containing saccharose
(10%), ammonium tartrate (1%), MgSO4 x 7 H2O (0,25%), Ca HPO4 x 2
H2O (0,008%), K3PO4 (0,5%), MnSO4 x 7 H2O (0,001%), water H2O
A solution of the nutrient medium is irradiated with ionizing
radiation at a dose of less than 10 kGy, which simultaneously
allows to achieve sterility of the environment. After making a
seed culture medium-Saccharomyces yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae
strain T-8) is carried out with shaking cultivation at 30 ° C for
72 to 24 hours. The grown cells were collected by
tsentrifugurirovaniya. The precipitate was dried microbial mass
disintegrated and stable isotope is determined by known physical
and chemical methods.
EXAMPLE 3. Prepare medium deficient of potassium in the
composition, sucrose 3; NaNO3 0,03; MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0,05; FeSO4 x 7
H2O 0,001; CaHPO4 0.008; Na2HPO4 0,1; NaCl 0,05; Water H2O to 100.
Saturate the environment a major stable isotope Ar40 argon. The
culture medium was added 0.1 mol / L LiOH to increase the
concentration of free hydrogen atoms. Grown in this environment
mold the culture, the prototype Mucor rontic.
During the synthesis reaction, Ar40 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr;
k41 in the volume of developing microbial cultures formed a rare
stable isotope K, which is absorbed by the mold and after its
cultivation isolated by conventional chemical methods.
The grown cells were collected by centrifugation and the
precipitate dried isotope obtained is isolated by known methods
from the chemical residue.
EXAMPLE 4. Prepare medium deficient of potassium in the
composition, sucrose 3; NaNO3 0,03; MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0,05; FeSO4x x 7
H2O 0,001; CaHPO4 0,008; Na2HPO4 0,1; NaCl 0,05; Water H2O to 100.
Saturate the environment a major stable isotope Ar40 argon. The
growth medium is irradiated with ionizing radiation at a dose of
less than 10 kGy, which allows to simultaneously achieve sterility
environment. Grown in this environment mold the culture, the
prototype Mucor rontic.
During the synthesis reaction, Ar40 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr;
k41 in the volume of developing microbial cultures formed a rare
stable isotope K, which is absorbed by the mold and after its
cultivation isolated by conventional chemical methods.
Growing cells were collected by centrifugation, the precipitate
was dried, separated from the precipitate by known methods the
resulting isotope.
EXAMPLE 5. Choosing Saccharomyces yeast culture from those for
which growth requires manganese or nickel. Prepare a growth medium
for these crops, which contains all the necessary for their growth
chemical elements, as well as stable isotopes of Cr and Co, but
does not contain manganese or nickel. During the cultivation of
these crops with simultaneous exposure of one of the factors that
increases the concentration of free atoms (as in Example 1), the
reaction will occur Cr52 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr; Mn53 or
Co58 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr; Ni60 Mn53 or products which
are assimilated Ni60 growing culture. After completion of the
cultivation cycle of the cultural synthesized or stable isotopes
Ni60 Mn53 allocated chemical methods, the cultured cells are
harvested, dried precipitate, the precipitate obtained is isolated
from the isotope.
EXAMPLE 6. Form a medium deficient in iron (e.g., in composition,
sucrose 3% NaNO3 0,3; K2HPO4 0,1; KCl 0,05; MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0,05;
CaHPO4 0,008; MnSO4 x 7 H2O 0,001; heavy water D2O to 100). The
nutrient medium solution was added 0.1 mol / L LiOH to increase
the concentration of free hydrogen atoms. Is grown in this medium
at T = 30C yeast culture, prototype Sccharomycrs cerevisae strain
T-8, grown cells were collected by centrifugation, the precipitate
was dried, and recovered the resulting isotope Fe57, known
methods, formed during the reaction NTS Mn55 + d2 & lowbar;
& rarr; Fe57 EXAMPLE 7 Example. Form a medium deficient in
iron (e.g., in composition, sucrose 3; NaNO3 0,3; K2HPO4 0,1; KCL
0,05; MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0,05; CaHPO4 0,008; MnSO4 x 7 H2O 0,001; heavy
water D2O to 100). The growth medium is irradiated with ionizing
radiation at a dose of less than 10 kGy, which allows to
simultaneously achieve sterility environment.
Is grown in this medium at T = 30C prototype culture Sccharomyces
cerevisiae yeast strain T-8, grown cells were collected by
centrifugation, the precipitate obtained is isolated and dried
isotope Fe57, known methods, formed during the reaction NTS Mn55 +
d2 & lowbar; & rarr; Fe57 EXAMPLE Example 8. A process for
producing stable isotopes as a result of the collapse of the
unstable parent isotope synthesized in the NTS in the deficit on
the parent isotope medium involves growth in the microbiological
culture in its composition.
Construct culture medium deficient in nitrogen composition,
sucrose 3% K2HPO4 0,1; KCl 0,05; MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0,05; FeSO4 x 7 H2O
0,001; CaPHO4 0,008; MnSO4 x 7 H2O 0,001; Light water H2O to 100.
The nutrient medium solution was added 0.1 mol / L LiOH to
increase the concentration of free hydrogen atoms. Is grown in
this medium at T = 30C Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain T-8.
During NTS reaction (with the participation of the main stable
carbon isotope C12, which is a part of sucrose) C12 + p1 &
lowbar; & rarr; N13 is formed unstable isotope N13, having a
half-life of & ap; 10 min. This isotope immediately after the
digest from the mold growing on nitrogen-deficient growth medium
and fixed in the mold. Through time & tau; unstable isotope
N13 spontaneously decays according to the scheme: N13 + &
beta; + & lowbar; & rarr; C13 and converted into the final
rare stable isotope C13, after which the whole mold growing stands
in a known manner.
EXAMPLE 9. A process for producing stable isotopes as a result of
the collapse of the unstable parent isotope synthesized in the NTS
in the deficit on the parent isotope medium involves growth in the
microbiological culture in its composition.
Construct culture medium deficient in nitrogen composition,
sucrose 3; K2HPO4 0,1; KCl 0,05; MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0,05; FeSO4 x 7 H2O
0,001; CaHPO4 0,008; MnSO4x x 7 H2O 0,001, light water H2O to 100.
The growth medium is irradiated with ionizing radiation at a dose
of less than 10 kGy, which allows to simultaneously achieve
sterility environment. Is grown in this medium at T = 30C
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain T-8. During NTS reaction (with
the participation of the main stable carbon isotope C12, included
in the composition of sucrose) C12 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr;
N13 is formed unstable isotope N13, having a half-life of &
ap; 10 min. This isotope immediately after the digest from the
mold growing on nitrogen-deficient growth medium and fixed in the
mold. Through time & tau; unstable isotope N13 spontaneously
decomposes under the scheme N13 & lowbar; & rarr; &
Beta; ++ C13 is converted into a final m rare stable isotope C13,
after which the whole mold growing stands in a known manner.
EXAMPLE 10. According to the scheme as in Example 8 and 9 may
receive O17 isotope during the growth of microbial cultures
require growth, respectively, in a nutrient medium fluoro
deficient fluorine but containing stable isotope O16. The types of
reactions that lead to the assimilation of the intermediate
unstable isotopes produced during the STC, the following: O16 + p1
& lowbar; & rarr; F17 & lowbar; & rarr; &
Beta; ++ O17 & tau; & Ap; 65 c After the cycle of growing
culture and the collapse of the parent nuclei derived stable
isotopes is isolated by conventional physical and chemical
EXAMPLE 11. According to the scheme as in Example 8 and 9 may
receive the isotope Si29 in the cultivation of microbial cultures
require growth respectively, phosphorus in the nutrient medium
deficient in phosphorus, but containing a stable isotope Si28. The
type of reactions that lead to the assimilation of the
intermediate unstable isotopes produced during the STC, the
following: Si28 + p1 & lowbar; & rarr; p29 & lowbar;
& rarr; & Beta; ++ Si29 & tau; & Ap; 4 c After the
cycle of growing culture and the collapse of the parent nuclei
derived stable isotopes is isolated by conventional physical and
chemical methods.
EXAMPLE 12. According to the scheme as in Example 8 and 9 Fe57
isotope possible to obtain during the growth of microbial cultures
require growth respectively, cobalt in a medium deficient in
cobalt but containing stable isotope Fe56. The types of reactions
that lead to the assimilation of the intermediate unstable
isotopes produced during the STC, the following: Fe56 + p1 &
lowbar; & rarr; Co57 & lowbar; & rarr; & Beta; ++
Fe57 & tau; & Ap; 271 days After completion of the cycle
to the culture and the collapse of the parent nuclei The obtained
stable isotopes is isolated by conventional physical and chemical
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
Rachel Klapper
The genus Thiobacillus, also known as Acidithiobacillus, contains
colorless, rod-shaped bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to
gain energy from the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds.
Therefore environmental requirements include the presence of
reduced inorganic sulfur compounds. These bacteria are
respiratory, preferentially utilizing oxygen as the terminal
electron acceptor
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is a gram negative, obligately
autotrophic and aerobic Proteobacteria. These bacteria are motile,
and possess polar flagella. T. ferrooxidans is an acidophile,
living in environments with an optimal pH range of 1.5 to 2.5. T.
ferrooxidans is also thermophilic, preferring temperatures of 45
to 50 degrees Celsius. The high temperature tolerance of the
bacteria may be due in part to its high GC content of 55 to 65
mole percent.
T. ferrooxidans derives energy from oxidation of ferrous iron to
ferric iron, and reduced-sulfur compounds to sulfuric acid. Fine
sulfur deposits may accumulate in the cell wall of the bacteria.
Other byproducts of metabolism (sulfuric acid) are sometimes
associated with the oxidative corrosion of concrete and pipes. In
soil environments, T. ferrooxidans is useful as a slow release
source of phosphate and sulfate for soil fertilization.
T. ferrooxidans is the most active bacteria in mine wastes due to
acid and metal pollution. Sites of extreme acid mine drainage also
expose high levels of pyrite, an element that is readily oxidized
by T. ferrooxidans. This pyrite-oxidizing capacity has been
exploited in the industrial desulfurization of coal. T.
ferrooxidans is used in industrial mineral processing and
bioleaching processes. These bacteria have the ability to attack
sulfide-containing minerals and convert insoluble sulfides of
metals such as copper and zinc into their soluble metal sulfates.
Metals recovered through this bioleaching process include copper,
uranium and gold.
Sulfidic caves and areas of extreme acid mine drainage contain
sites of pyrite deposits. In these areas extremely acidic
(pH 0-1) microbial biofilms hang from the walls with a snot-like
consistency. These colonies are known as snottites, and contain
extremophilic bacteria. T. ferrooxidans and other members of the
genus Thiobacillus (and/or similar bacteria) are thought to be a
main component of the consortiums present in snottites. These
bacteria derive energy from chemosynthesis of sulfur compounds and
water which drain through the walls of the caves.
Hart, Steven. “Cave Slime.” NASA. 30 Mar. 2008.
Kuenen, J. Gijs, et al. “The Genera Thiobacillus, Thiomicrospira,
and Thiosphaera.” The Prokaryotes. Ed. Albert Balows, et al. New
York: Springer-Verlog, 1992. 2638-9, 2650
Rawlings, Douglas, and Tomonobu Kusano. “Molecular Genetics of
Thiobacillus ferroxidans.” Microbial Review 58.1 (1994): 39-55. 30
Mar. 2008.
“Thiobacillus-Microbewiki.” MicrobeWiki. 30 Mar. 2008.