The Fool
Astrology For The Neophyte - The Mercury p.344
Informative Interchange - Sidereal v Tropical Astrology p.356
Questions and Answers p.358
The Fool - back cover
By Carl W. Stahl
Mercury In The Constellations
In astrology the planet Mercury is known as the messenger of the gods. The gods of course being the other planets of this Solar System. In a somewhat similar manner the Sephirah on the Tree of Life are referred to as the gods on the Tree. A simple way in which you can practice what is usually called Esoteric Astrology is to get an understanding of the Sephirah for planetary meanings and the Paths for both the planets that are equated with them and the constellations and use these in your Esoteric interpretations of the elements of your birth chart. You will be surprised how simple and easy this becomes with a little practice. Once you have obtained the basic understanding of astrology, which we hope to furnish you. then we shall attempt to help you master this further step toward the spiritual use of astrology. But we stray and must get back to Mercury. It is the position of our Mercury in our chart which indicates how our intellectual imagination functions. Whenever Mercury appears on one of the four angles of our charts it brings us to the attention of others. When we pay attention to our environment, we are able through the use of concentration to change our environment into one that more closely serves our purpose, whatever that may be. Mercury also rules our acquisitive nature. The desire for money, land, knowledge, titles or whatever are Mercury in nature. Truth and falsehood are two sides of the Mlercurial coin. It is concerned with all forms of communication from simple sign language to the spoken word and the written word. Being the planet of acquisitiveness, which is a form of greediness, it rules both the thief and the businessman whose only difference is their mode of operation. The thief operates outside the law, the businessman inside it.
Mercury here enables the native to express himself more easily and to bring to the attention of others his inner feelings and thoughts about brotherhood and the unity of love. This enables the native to express beauty in all its forms. This may range from art, sculpture, poetry and written works about the beauty that love brings into the life to raising flowers, interior decorating or any other avenue in which love and beauty can be expressed and brought into the life. Mercury also makes this lover of peace into a seeker after gain. He seeks to turn his art into the commercial field attempting to serve both his god-given talent and mammon.
Mercury, in whatever constellation it is in, serves as a ready channel for the forces emanating from that constellation. Mercury, as the messenger of the gods, is neutral and serves only as a carrier of whatever planet it may be aspecting or whatever constellation it may be passing through. Here it carries the impulsive, energetic, fiery and passionate Martian energy. The basic nature of Mars is to attack and with Mercury here he attacks by all means of communication. Sarcasm, irritation, anger and brutalare used in the native's struggle to overcome the competition. Fighting in ring for money is one of the indications of this Mercury position. It also gives physical and mechanical ability. If afflicted it gives the usually outspoken Mars slyness and cunning.
The vision, idealism and expansive wish fulfillment of his native finds ready means and ability to bring his wishes down to earth through the channel furnished by Mercury. Idealism and dreams are abstract things being difficult to bring into practical completion in the objective world. The idealistic goal of Sagittarius is here broken into its basic essentials and then they are recombined, a step at a time, into something useful and practical. The result being positive if Mercury is not afflicted, negative if it is afflicted. The truth that was intended to help and guide mankind can, under affliction, become something distorted and harmful. Native could succeed in philosophy, religion, medicine or business.
The native of Capricorn is taciturn, silent and even sullen Mercury furnishes a channel so he can express these attitudes to others. His is a philosophy of toil and labor. Only that which is obtained the "hard way" has real value. The saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned," is pure Saturn born in a Capricornian's mind. Mercury here enables them to spread this philosophy of hard work and denial to a world which largely ignores them. In this constellation the two planets of acquisition, Saturn and Mercury, could very well lead to success in amassing wealth. If you always take in and never give out you are certain to accumulate a bundle. You will also become constipated.
Mercury is as one in the home of a friend here. Because furnishes a ready channel for the native's inspirational and intuitive ideas, Mercury makes it possible for these otherwise abstract imaginings to see the light of day in an objective setting and being put to practical use. Without Mercury the native would be unable to bring them to the attention of others. It also enables the native to gain monetarily as well as in the understanding of nature's laws. The true Aquarian attempts to follow Bacon's advice and "Make all knowledge his province." He is acutely aware that knowledge leads understanding and understanding to wisdom.
Mercury, being in the contellation opposite its exaltation, is much weakened here. Feeling, imagination and disorder rather than common sense manifest through the Mercurian channel to the outside world. It is by focusing through attention and concentration, the imagination and expansive influence of Jupiter and the feeling of brotherhood and the unity of love (Venus is exalted here), that natives of this constellation will achieve success and happiness. And, who knows, they may even gain a fair share of worldly goods if such be their Karma. These natives have the ability to make their wishes come true. They are convincing talkers and can project to others whatever image of themselves they wish to assume for the moment.
The Sun being exalted here the native's Mercurial attitude would be one of leadership. Being ruled by Mars they would brook no interference with their plans and actions. They are very competitive and 'will attempt to eliminate those who present obstacles to them. Mercury furnishes a ready channel for the native's ideas, his creative effort and his drive for fame and power. He has the ability to bring about, on the physical plane, his imaginings and mental creations. This position of Mercury, especially if it Is on an angle of the chart, brings the native to the attention of others and they (Aries) are quick to use this interest to further their own ends. They have mechanical ability, are inclined to be irritable and quarrelsome. They use their zest and energy to advance themselves into leadership positions.
The native tends toward the study of philosophy and the teaching of it. His philosophy of love and unity is communicated to others by every means available to him. Not being content with this some Taurus natives will found schools of thought to spread their philosophy and to gain material wealth and power in the process. The Moon is exalted here and this, combined with Mercury, may give the native a busy mouth although a pleasant one. Words and compliments come easily from their tongues and social affairs and parties find him much in demand. The words they speak are, for the most part, gentle and inoffensive.
Mercury rules this constellation which means it can best distribute its influence without any distortion. They are quick to speak, can conjure up wonderful arguments pro and con, and then they can as quickly drop the whole thing and do nothing about it, Thinking, debating, comparing and sifting meanings keel) them busy and happy. Because of their fast reactions, they excel in gymnastics, dancing, athletics, writing, and mathematics. Since their creative thoughts (Sun) and their thought processes (Mercury) are so similar, to think is to do. Being an Airy constellation the native has a tendency to skim mentally whatever he is considering rather than give it real, in depth, thought. They also like to gild the lily and embellish events.
Because they are so imaginative Mercury here gives them a tendency to tell tall tales and change fact to enhance their own egos. They make good fiction writers. actors, poets, painters and reporters. With both Moon and Mercury, on the angles these can be the busiest people on earth, rushing about without necessarily accomplishing anything of a practical nature, The Moon. being a dead body. constantly seeks to be like the Sun and with the aid of Mercury and their own imagination they often build a make believe life that is more real to them than their actual daily life . Good at trading in both domestic and foreign goods. They make good merchants, travelers and may gain success in writing, especially fiction.
Mercury here blends with the Sun to produce an instantaneous "thought result chain." The advanced Leo type has a unique ability to bring the creative life force down to earth to produce practical results in his environment and that of otbers. The Biblical phrase, "Let your light shine," applies in a particular way to Leo, for they most clearly reflect that great orb in the heavens. Mercury here gives them great facility to provide leadership and attain fame and fortune. The Sun, as ruler of Leo, wishes to shed his light, his philosophy, so that it reaches as many others as possible. They make good heads of business, politicians, religious leaders and in other fields that attract their attention.
Mercury rules and is exalted here so naturally Virgo is the
epitomy of Mercurian talents, attitudes and efficiency. Unless Mercury is
afflicted here these natives are honest and just in all things, even business.
Being a constellation of Earth they are more practical and less impatient
than their Gemini brothers and sisters. They are excellent planners going
into step by step detail when they start a project. They make excellent
clerks, professors, teachers, engineers, mechanics, draftsmen and those occupations requiring skill with the hands. Being Mutable they are without ambition and in spite of all this attention to detail rarely become leaders of others in either business or government. +
Sidereal Versus Tropical Astrology
We have been asked to explain briefly the difference between Sidereal and Tropical astrology. Briefly put, the difference is the starting point on the Great Circle of the Ecliptic which is the apparent path of the Sun. The Tropical Zodiac starts at the point where the Sun crosses the equator, moving from south to north, on the first day of Spring. In tropical astrology this point is called zero degrees of the sign Aries. Each year the Sun crosses the equator at a point about 50 seconds of arc further to the west. This is why the tropical zodiac is called the moving zodiac. The sidereal zodiac, on the other hand, is eternally fixed in space and is measured from what the ancients called the marking or "Peg" stars which are the Pleaides in 5 degrees of Taurus, Aldebaran in 15 degrees of Taurus, Regulus in 5 degrees of Leo, Spica in 29 degrees of Virgo, and Antares in 15 degrees of Scorpio.
Donald Bradley, the great research astrologer, has demonstrated through the use of mundane charts, that the true position of Spica for the Epoch of 1950 is 29o06'05" of the constellation Virgo, This means that the true mean Synetic Vernal Point for the Epoch of 1950 is Pisces 5o57'28.64". This indicates that the difference between the two zodiacs was 24o 02'31.26" at the Epoch of 1950. The sidereal zodiac at this time was lagging behind the tropical, or moving zodiac, by slightly more than 24 degrees.
In May 1949, Cyril Fagan, the father of sidereal astrology, rediscovered the true meaning of the Exaltation degrees and the original Hypsomata (Exaltations) zodiac. During the lunar year commencing April 4, B.C. 786 (1st Nisan) and ending March 23rd, B.C. 785, for the latitude of Babylon, all the planets of the ancients appeared in the degrees of their exaltations, either in the New Moon chart of the beginning of the lunar year or at the time of their heliacal rising or setting. The heliacal risings and settings of the planets were so called because they happened only immediately after sunset or immediately before sunrise. They were named after Helios, the Sun. More information can be obtained on this from, Zodiacs Old and New, by Cyril Fagan, or from his more recent book, Astrological Origins, both published by Llewellyn Publications.
We must remember that the ancients used a naked-eye or visual astronomy, and that their day began at sunset. At this time of day the stars began to appear on the eastern horizon as the Sun sank from view on the western horizon. Because the stars and planets were invisible during the daylight, ancient astronomy and astrology were lunar. Unless they could see it they did not include it in their records. The New Moon of the ancients referred to the first appearance of the lunar crescent as it appeared in the west after sunset. They never referred to the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon, known to astronomers as the syzgy. Since at this time the Moon was hidden by the Sun's light and was invisible this, the last day of the lunar month, was considered a period of great evil because at this time eclipses of the Sun can occur.
Let us once more briefly state the rationale of sidereal astrology. The stars and planets can only be seen at night. When the ancients talked about any particular constellation. they did so because at that time the Moon, particularly the Full Moon, was in it. They could never tell where the Sun was because its light hid the stars. but by knowing where the Moon was, in relationship to the Sun, and especially when the Moon was full and rose in the Past when the Sun sank in the west, they could determine the exact lime of the Full Moon and thus would also know the position of the Sun in the constellations. It is for these reasons that Egyptian astronomy was aptly called Full Moon astrology.
I trust that this explains somewhat the type of astrology that we are bringing to your attention and that this explains the different days of the Sun's entry into the constellations as opposed to its entry into the signs.
- Carl W. Stahl, U.S.A. +
Q. In going through the past egg materials we found a bottle labeled "the seed of 12 eggs." What is the seed of an egg? Another label reads "the semen of egg." Will you comment on this?
A. It is the sperm.
Q. In reference to the change of acetic acid to acetone when brought in contact with limestone, could one make an alchemical axiom to the effect that though a fixed substance cannot be unfixed it can be transmuted?
A. In your way of thinking yes.
Q. Pages 78-79 of The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony is a mineral, made of a terrestrial vapor changed into water which sidereal change is the true Star of Antimony. This water has been extracted from elementary earth by the Stars and the fire which is contained in the air. This tangible essence encloses a large quantity of predominating sulfur after it comes mercury, and of salt there is least of all, yet it has enough salt to make it hard and immalleable. Please explain.
A. It refers to the three essentials and their proportions wherein all minerals and metals differ.
Q. You mentioned brackish water. Is brackish water beginning to ferment it? Is there a way to get the Spirit from water without the addition sugar in some form? In other words, is it possible to ferment water in natural state?
A. Yes.
Q. Is there an inner counterpart to vinegar as a fixing agent? In other words, is there an objective way of fixing a state of consciousness in a way that is analogous to fixing of an oil?
A. Introversion - withdrawing to within - could be used as analogy.
Q. On page 196 of The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony, instructions are given to obtain the red oil of vitriol of Iron. What menstruum is used to obtain this oil? Is it the fixed oil of iron we are after?
A. It is not the fixed oil referred to but the alchemistical sulphur of Iron. KM and any of the alkahests will do.
Q. What is the difference between the leached out salt of an herb and the fused herb (whole herb) that is obtained at high (approx. 1200oF. to 1500oF.) temperatures.
A. The whole herb contains the sulphur which shows when subjected to extraction with alcohol in form of a tincture. An extracted and then leached herb does not.
Q. When the planet Mercury starts its apparent backward (retrograde) motion, what is the significance in terms of Alchemy, particularly in starting experiments at this time?
A. It is said to be somewhat retarding, mental activity requiring additional concentration.
Q. Can you tell us anything in regard to the Comet Rohouter, thespiritual implications now and in the future? What are the alchemical implicalions? How will it affect a child being born at thi's time?
A. Comets have been interpreted as harbingers of difficulties because their path is interfering with gravitational forces of planets.
Q. What i's the relationship between the four fixed signs and the four Gospels?
A. Their fixed duration of the influences. Taurus, decisive (Matthew); Leo, organizing (Mark) - Scorpio, solidifying (Luke); and Aquarius. concentrative (John).
Q. At one time you stated, "At the time we are born it is predestined the time we shall die - unless by accident. Why should not an accident be predestined? Is no one supposed to die by accident?
A. Man's free choice may interfere with celestial mechanics, just like he interferes with terrestrial mechanics.
Q. Will you please explain the influences of planets when retrograde?
A. Their intelligence is in a motion of retrospect.
Q. On the 1/7 of Grand Cycle the blue cycle goes inlo the black cycle instead of the green cycle. Can you explain this.
A. Check the dates when one begins and the other ends and you have the answer.
Q. Do the cycles start in Sagittarius because of Atlantis being destroyed at that time?
A. No, it just so happened that such could have taken place. Cycles do not happen because of events but events take place during cycles.
Q. What is hidden in the bowels of Aries?
A. Energy.
Q. Since there is always a definite cycle for everything and since the PRS is always aware of this, could you explain the cycle for the beginning of the Cultural Research Centers in the United States so we will have an idea as to when the actual physical structure with faculty should he functioning?
A. Two things are requisite for the beginning: a) Those conscious about the work involved and b) Their own dates of births and prevailing cyclic influences in harmony with the five basic laws given.
Q. Will you explain what you mean when you say that the consciousness of DAATH can only function through resistance? What does this particular kind of resislance meaan psychologically in terms of our limited consciousness? Does this mean that God, also can only function through resistance? How is this particular kind of resistance consciously controlled?
A. By the free agency of choice of an individual possessing the will to resist or to concede.
Q. Is there a QBL of the English Alphabet? There are several possible arrangements which have suggested thernselves. Is there a correct and lawfully sound interpretation of the ABC alphabet?
A. Out of the many attempted arrangements, the sound interpretation
is the QBL. If one uses the Chinese system, then it would be based on theirs. Intermixing usually causes confusion.
Q. Is 1he placement of elements altered in the Queen Scale, fire being found in Aries through Cancer (as suggested by the arrangements of colors.
A. Only the mother letter Shin refers to the element fire. Double and single letters refer respectively to planets and signs and their intelligences and influences.
Q. Are the planetary rulerships altered in the Queen Scale - Uranus ruling Aries and Taurus, Sun ruling Gemini and Cancer (as suggested by the arrangement of colors)?
A. No. The intelligence manifests as a subray in such cases and takes the place similar to a decan in the twelve cycle chart.
Q. There is a simple logic in the emergence of the Sephiroth's colors on the Tree of Life. But the logic ceases when the order of the Hebrew alphabet is altered and seems to be lacking in the emergence of color on the Tree of Life. Why, for instance, do not the elemental colors flow down first, then the planetary colors, then the colors symbolizing the signs?
A. The Queen Scale does make this difference by its three categories of letters to supplement the King Scale's emergence of colors which are one of the three types of symbols known.
Q. On the keyboard the gray planet Vulcan is positive and Saturn is half note. Will you explain how to determine our note.)
A. Find your planetary ruler in your sun sign. See the four zodiacal systems in Men and the Cycles of the Universe, published by PRS.
Q. If the numbers according to Sephiroth and Metzlah were plotted
according to day, starting with the first day of the year (either calendar or personal year) would the cycles thus formed be meaningful?
A. They would have a meaning to you, based upon the system one chooses. One can make any system work for a time.
Q. You have talked about directing Spirit and you have related Spirit and Will. What i's the physical center of Will or Spirit? How does one begin to learn to direct Will towards consciousness or toward the body?
A. Spirit is centered in the blood of the body. Will is an extension of consciousness and the heart has been suggested as the physical center of the mind (not brain),
Q. What do you mean by a conscious worker? Wherein does he differ from an attentive, hard-workl'ng, conscientious worker?
A. A conscious worker knows what he is doing and why. A conscientious worker may work diligently and may not know why he is doing what lie does conscientiously, like one working on a secret government project not being conscious of what the items he works on is, for the end product is unknown to him.
Q. When we lose ourselves in the state of rest and we are contemplation, why is it we do not bring back to the objective what we were contemplating? What is wrong here?
A. What one loses one may find again. Why should it not be possible during contemplation to remain conscious? We may not be conscious of outer disturbances and still have an awareness of our contemplation.
Q. You have said previously that the Heart is the center of Consciousness. How does one become conscious of this? Will you comment further on heart consciousness and brain consciousness? What can one do to increase heart consciousness?
A. Brain consciousness is related to limited objective knowledge. Heart consciousness is related to that not known previously but becomes revealed to the inner of man but NOT by book learning or hearing it on the outside from others. Learn to be still and listen to the still small voice and try not to let the brain argue with the superior consciousness you do not know about. as it is trying to reveal itself within you.
Q. Is laboratory work a form of Yoga and what part, if any, does
Yoga play in Alchemy?
A. Uniting the mental and physical with sufficient energy is a uniting of what we attempt.
Q. May we have some information about anti-matter?
A. The process involved to transmute any of the four states of matter into one beyond the thermal stage stated erroneously as its annihilation, which is not possible as no matter can be destroyed but only changed, in this case anti-opposed to the four known states of matter at present.
Q. Should we pursue the study, interpretation, etc. of dreams?
A. If it serves a specific purpose, as for instance Carl Jung pursued.
Back cover
The meaning attributed to the word Fool varies considerably. Sayings that have become almost proverbs, beginning with "anyone's fool," "fooling around won't help any, "don't be foolish," and many more, indicate that a state of mind is referred to as absurd. To do a foolish thing may he an outcome of both an ignorant or thoroughly contemplated decision. Since both the known and unknown are contemplated, any decision made deals with an anticipation of the fulfillment or accomplishment of an objective the mind is obsessed with. Consequences are generally not taken into consideration. Only the final result of an anticipation is predominant.
When the result does not coincide with the anticipation, one speaks of a foolish thing. Therefore, to have been fooled means to have been betrayed. This can be a self betrayal or may be the result of an outward coercion.
If one is told something that is not as presented, such can be of a twofold nature. It is either a misrepresentation to deceive or meant to mislead one's thought in a different direction. The first would be usually based upon selfish desires while the second is meant to be a corrective measure when the irrational approach is corrected. April fool jokes belong to the latter.
The question "Are you easily being fooled?" is a very profound one, especially when it comes to promises made that are not fulfilled. To what category do you belong? Are you a fool or are you easily being fooled?