The Resurrection of Christ - Rick Grimes
Frater Albertus' Mineral Salts p.207
That Elusive Planet Vulcan p.211
Theriac - back cover
Mineral Salts In Solution
In a small brochure published recently by Paralab, it was announced hat Mineral Salts, different from those known as Dr. Schuessler's Mineral Salts or Tissue Remedies, will soon be available. The difference between presently used mineral salts and those under the Paralab label is that the former do not contain the essential substance referred to as the vital or living essence, and the latter do contain such in solution.
Dr. Schuessler lists twelve mineral salts which are actually derived from only six basic minerals in the form of precipitation as sulfates, muriates, and phosphates. By contrast, each one of Frater Albertus' Mineral Salts in solution consist of a different mineral, i.e. aluminum, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, etc. Human blood contains many more minerals than listed here, but the ones indicated are important building blocks in the formation of tissues.
Chemically speaking, there is no difference if iron is derived from a plant or metal-that is, to the chemist there is no difference in pure iron, no matter if derived from organic or inorganic substance. However, this is still a matter of dispute with those following a non-orthodox procedure based upon observation on living organisms. One should not lose sight of the fact that chemistry can reveal what a substance contains, but it is beyond the realm of chemistry to determine what curative or beneficial effects such analysis has upon living organisms. This belongs to biology, pharmacy, and medicine. Only clinical evaluation can give us the proof. So, too, can simple tests at home, as long as non-toxic substances are used to experiment with.
After careful extraction and reunification, mineral salts in solution are attenuated, including their essential substances. Mineral salts in solution are nontoxic in their greatly diluted form. In fact, a chemical analysis will show hardly any substantial traces of minerals and practically none of the other essentials mentioned previously. Inevitably the question will be asked: How can such an extremely weak solution be of any benefit? The answer is: Such mineral salt attenuations work in a dynamic manner upon the tissues. Only personal tests and observations can either substantiate this or refute it entirely.
The following tabulation of mineral salts is only a very elementary listing of symptoms that may show beneficial reactions from the use of such mineral salt solutions. One is reminded of the mineral contents found in the waters of natural health spas in Europe and elsewhere. Results from drinking these mineral waters can only be attributed to what such waters contain in minerals in solution and which the body can tolerate and make use of in a beneficial and dynamic manner for the pathological symptoms prevailing.
Calcium could show its dynamic effects upon bone structures where calcium plays an important part. It could also show effects on the spleen.
Copper could show a dynamic affinity towards the reproductive organs, the kidneys, and probably the thyroid gland.
Iron could relate to further oxygenation of the blood and in the replacement of blood corpuscles. In case of inflammation, due to lack of sufficient oxygen, it could show relief from such symptoms. The gall bladder could be influenced thereby beneficially.
Magnesium and Aluminum could be related to the nervous system and could prove valuable in the relief of tension with magnesium in the spinal nervous system and aluminum in the sympathetic nervous system.
Potassium could indicate an important media for the dissolution of coagulations leading to the formation of kidney stones or similar substances causing obstructions in various organs.
Sodium could reveal itself as an excellent flushing agent when mixed with body fluids, helpful in cleansing tissues and removing waste matter by opening the pores. It could also function as an essential mineral in the further assimilation of food after the regular metabolism of food has occurred.
Zinc could help produce additional energy, showing especially in the brain cells and tissues. It may be compared-this is given here only as an analogy-to the immersion of zinc plates which, when immersed in weak acid, produce a stimulating electric current.
Further research could bring to light other mineral and metallic salts and their essential constituents that are benefically effective pathologically. In regard to Dr. Schuessler's twelve tissue remedies that should also contain the essentials found in mineral salts in solution, some of these minerals are difficult to work with because of their lack of essentials, which have to be freed from sources other than the basically lifeless mineral salts of which they consist,
In the meantime those who have used mineral or tissue salts will find that mineral salts in solution are presenting additional possibilities not previously available in dry form.
NOTE: It may be of interest to those who lay claim to planetary influences upon minerals and metals that such are said to correspond as follows:
Aluminium to the Moon
Magnesium to Mercury
Copper to Venus
Iron to Mars
Sodium to Jupiter
Calcium to Saturn
Potassium to Uranus
Zinc to Neptune
Minerals, it is said, differ from metals in the above interpretation. For
instance. the metal Antimony is also related to Uranus as is the mineral
Potassium. Likewise, the metal Lead is associated with Calcium to Saturn.
Magnesium and Quicksilver share the same planetary ray influence of
Mercury, while Sodium and Tin are supposed to come under Jupiterian
influence. +
By Carl W. Stahl
In the May 1974 issue of Horoscope, Charles A. Jayne, a well known astrologer,
has an article titled, "How Serious Is The Energy Crisis?" We are not concerned here with the article as such, but what does concern us is that
he mentions the planet Vulcan as a contributor to the effects of that crisis. Naturally we are always interested when anyone mentions Vulcan,
pro or con,. derogatory or not. The reason we say derogatory is that Jayne says: "The period used by both the late Weston and Carl Stahl is probably wrong." He then goes on to state that every 115 years there is an inferior conjunction of Vulcan to the Sun with a deviation of only 0.067 per day. To further quote Jayne: "Now if we add 115 years to March 26, 1859, we reach March 26, 1974!"
We go along with Jayne's inferior conjunction of Vulcan and the Sun March 26, 1859 and, using Greenwich Mean Time at noon we come up with both the Sun and Vulcan at 5 degrees 18 minutes 36 seconds of tropical Aries. We must, however, point out that if you look in our Vulcan Ephemeris for March 1974 you will come up with an inferior conjunction of Vulcan and the Sun on March 23, 1974 at 8 hours 35 minutes Universal Time at Greenwich, in 2 degrees 20 minutes of the sign Aries. Not bad for tables that were never intended to be more than approximate.
Those of you who have been using the position of Vulcan in your natal and transit charts are already aware that Vulcan does have some
influence on events, emotions, and thought itself. In astrology we have found that those who have Vulcan closely aspected with the other planets,
particularly if those planets or Vulcan are in the foreground, i.e., within ten degrees of the rising degree, the midheaven, the descending degree, or
the anti-midheaven (1st, 10th, 7th, and 4th), are natural leaders in what
ever field planets and angle indicate.
We could go on and list numerous other effects and influences of
Vulcan but we are aware that to do so would not add to the practical
knowledge and understanding of the majority of you. The reason we say
is that we must be versed in the basic principles of astrology before we can understand how to use such a speculative force as that indicated
by Vulcan I am also aware from letters I have received that many of
you would like to correct this lack of knowledge and understanding about
astrology's use in your daily life but are confused about where to get this information. In order to help you gain this knowledge, such information will 'be presented in a series of articles (which will give you these basic
principles and more.)
Today, February 20, 1975, while working on this article, we received
a letter we feel must be shared with you. This woman, a self-taught astrologer and a good one, has been using Vulcan in her charts and has had results. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to give you some extracts from her letter. Remember, when reading the following, that she has never studied at P.R.S.
"I have been using Vulcan in all of my Sidereal Solar Returns and Sidereal Lunar Returns for the past year and a half. In EVERY chart where the Return Vulcan has been placed close to an angle, I have found that during that chart period I will experience some very major and sweeping shift or change which relates directly to the angle that Vulcan is placed on. For an example: Vulcan conjunction I.C. (I.C. equals home and family)-during this configuration, combined with various transits, such things as deaths effecting the whole family have occurred. A recent Sidereal Lunar Return with Sun, Vulcan, I.C., conjunct pulled the place I was living right out underneath me and I found myself with 21 days to find a new apartment and move. This Return aspect was compounded when the transiting Sun moved to an exact conjunction with the Sidereal Lunar Return Vulcan, which was conjunct (1 degree orb) the Sidereal Lunar Return LC, angle.
"I have also found that in the charts of catastrophic events it will usually be found to contain a group, such as Vulcan and Sun combined with some other planet such as Mars." (Here the writer shows a combination chart of a natal and three novians which is quite impressive. We will go into more detail on this when we have contacted the writer for more clarification).
"I think I can confidently say that Vulcan definitely has an effect, and a very drastic one. I rather feel that it doesn't have a real definite personality of its own, but that it takes on the personality of the planets it aspects. In the legend of Vulcan it is said that Vulcan loved Venus and hated her lover Ares. Take Ares to be Mars and contemplate it for awhile. I can only conclude that Vulcan is not only the cause of combustion, but is behind most really devastating or sweeping changes in our lives. There aren't many times in each life when such events/changes occur, but the chances of a return Vulcan falling on an angle is rare in itself. Uranian influences don't really fit to what some people try to push them to. I believe that many instances of change have been pushed onto Uranus that truly belong to the realm of Vulcan."
The enthusiasm of this woman over her discoveries is quite contagious. She is a self-taught astrologer and I can assure you that, from this letter alone, one is made aware that she knows about what she is writing. If we could only infect a few of you with this contagion, we would consider the time used in writing this article well spent.
As more information, some of it from you readers we hope, comes in we will keep you informed. We shall also make an attempt to correlate this information into a form that you can use.
Two men looked out from behind prison bars.
One saw mud, the other saw stars.
back cover
At one time Theriac was used rather extensively. Andromachus, who was the personal physician of Nero, is supposedly to have originated in Rome the formula for Theriac as an antidote against poisons, such as snake bites for instance. Theriac contained 64 different ingredients, some of them very costly. In 1529 in Nuremberg, Germany, the city fathers made it mandatory that Theriac could be produced only with the express permission and supervision by the city council. In other words, it had to have the official sanction so that no substitutes or inferior ingredients could be used. The last recorded public preparation took place in 1754 at the Nuremberg Apotheke "To the Golden Orb' under solemn ceremonies, as was the case when Theriac was made up either at the Marcus Square in Venice, Italy, or for that matter anywhere else. It was "official" in the various pharmacopoeias but-has been taken out because of the costly ingredients and the cumbersome mode of production. The solemn rites attached to it, during its preparation, may have been another reason for its being left out of subsequent editions of the official pharmacopoeias, as not being scientific. Nevertheless, Theriac was known as "The" medicine.