Questions and Answers
Q. In antimony and other minerals, as well as with metals, there results an unfixed and a fixed product. Could you say something about the fixed vegetable product?
A. Vinegar instead of alcohol will produce a fixed tincture.
Q. In this preparation process for what was hinted at in Lab A-in gathering plants and herbs for use-will the so-called pollution of the ecology affect the plants-or can this be effectively purified out-or-the thought is that possibly the plant will not be able to grow with the former efficacy?
A. The pollution of plants can be caused by animal droppings, decaying carcasses, poisonous gases, or other industrial contamination, cleansing will be necessary. Should a common washing not remove the visible impurity it is best to leave them alone. Should a plant show healthy growth, even in polluted areas, it would indicate a healthy strain able to transmute seemingly contrary substances by inner inertia.
Q. Could you please explain what thickness of filter paper and thimbles is best to use in the different aspects of the herbal and universal work?
A. No one filter paper will do the work for use in the different aspects of the herbal and universal work. We have found for general purposes, please note, regular coffee filter paper used with plastic cups filters very satisfactory.
Q. How could it be possible for man to partake of a universal solvent (philosophical mercury) without doing irreparable harm to himself?
A. By way of analogy and just as an analogy, consider the use of alcohol in beverages or concentrated form.
Q. Frater, would you explain if you will, why a snowflake crystallizes with only 60o angles. Do the aspects have the effect? The influences as you pointed out come from the 8th house and because a physical manifestation follows law and order, how does this happen? What part does the ruler play? Also, in the laboratory, yesterday you mentioned the ethereal volatile oils that come over with the distillate. Would you care to say more about these at this time?
A. Like so many things in nature we have to consider that everything takes place according to law. Interpretation of such laws is another thing. Various reasons can be given in this case but whether a final valid one, is
presently to be had is doubtful. When distilling substances containing volatile oils, some of such are carried up and over with the steam. In alcohol or ether extractions more can come over by distillation. Controlled steam distillation where ethereal oils are collected is the best way to obtain ethereal plant oils.
Q. Is a thrice distilled menstruum of alcohol, acetone K.M., etc. satisfactory to use a second time on an entirely different substance? For example, if it is used in producing a tincture from Sb2S3 is it all right to use it again on Sb2O3 or on eggs--or could its being charged by the first substance make this undesirable?
A. We recommend an extraction media (menstruum) to be used a second or subsequent times only on the same or closely related substances as you state with antimony. We would not use the same to extract ovum vitelli.
Q. When washing with water to sweeten, would distilling off the water instead of letting it evaporate make any significant difference in the result?
A. When distilling the water off mostly water comes over, while during open evaporation acids are evaporating with the water, which repeated washings will show. In a mechanical evaporator it can be done quicker and very efficiently. Either process can be used in edulcoration (sweetening).
Q. How is phlegm properly removed-by skimming it off?
A. Yes, also by fractional distillation.
Q. Would it be possible to make a Kerckring Menstruum by first extracting the oil from sal ammoniac with ether and then to circulate the oil with alcohol. Would this be a faster method of making the menstruum?
A. If the ether has been removed, yes.
Q. An herb is separated into its three parts and purified. It is then recombined and subjected to more heat. Are the resulting crystals the "Seed of the Herb".
A. The resulting crystals are not the seed of the herb. These can only be found in the living plant. The process you have described is the redemption of the plant. It has been saved from further propagation in its own realm by a higher intelligence, man, and will serve now in an exalted state in the animal realm
Q. First use Mercury for distillation and then water for a second distillation. Is it good?
A. Yes. Alcohol will extract substances that are soluble in alcohol, and water will distill. what is water soluble. It has been found useful where applicable.
Q. When a substance is fixed by acetic acid, is the spirit as well as the sulphur and salt contained within the substance that has been fixed.
A. The spirit and sulphur, Yes, but not all of the salt in most cases. Consider the fixed salts of antimony that are left from the bulk of glass of antimony salts.
Q. What is the difference between the so-called dry and wet process in alchemy?
A. One uses a menstruum (extraction rnedia) in a moist form, while the dry process uses no menstruum at all but relies on the inherent moisture concealed in the substance.
Q. Please, with your special tact, can you go over with us the necessity of learning to coax results gently with the fire? As a group, we will not be able to come up with unified and happy results in the lab if one of us is forever turning up the flame under things. as we have it lowered. We do all feel an urgency, but it is because we do not See that a tiny Day in Eternity is so tiny. Thank you.
A. Observation and diligence are the best handmaidens. Co-operation in a joint venture is not only necessary but essential.
Q. Can an immature glass of antimony be ground and reheated and become GOOD glass, or has it lost some of its virtue by, having been heated? Experience has shown it is almost impossible to get good glass from the second heating.
A. It has been done with good results. The controlling of temperatures seems to be the crux to the whole operation.
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"From the east shall come the Son of man. He shall walk forth out of these mountains, and in his right hand he shall bear the Book of Life and in his left shall he have his commencement." In this painting you will see what you can see if only you will look. This represents the initiate as he comes forth from the high places and the low places to reside in all men.
(24) Twenty-four square feet, containing (3,456) three thousand four hundred fifty-six square inches. Thus, these digits combined equal the sacred number nine (9). Within this nine are all things manifest in the earth and yet have their completion in man (10). Though their origin be ever with the father.
Look and you shall find the matrix of life in four laws and three principals, and see also our glorious mother that hides her seven daughters beneath her veil. Also, the eye of conscience is concealed not by the storm, nor the seven virtues of the Pleiades by darkness.
Be still our brother. Herein lies a second key; take these twenty-four about this Son. Render them into six-add them unto nine and find the one quintessence; which, when combined in one figure is the sun.
Within these twenty-four are sixteen which form, across the heart, across from which men are born, born to discover the seven seals of their being and the knowledge of their soul.
From the east the young sun, Apollo rises, -held in the grasp of the mystery ...
In the west sits the master with the mystery in the grasp of his hand,-the eagle and the dove at peace in his being.